About Nirmata
Nirmata, the creators of Kyverno, provides open-source and commercial enterprise solutions for governance, compliance, security, and automation of production Kubernetes workloads.
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- Version v1.10.8-01
- Sold by Nirmata
Kyverno is a policy engine natively designed for Kubernetes to secure and automate Kubernetes configurations. Nirmata Enterprise for Kyverno helps you accelerate time to value and achieve peace of mind. Get enterprise support, adapters, services, and training!
- Sold by Nirmata
Eliminate misconfigurations and enforce Kubernetes best practices using policy-as-code. Get policy insights, alerts, reports, and team collaboration through integration with DevSecOps processes, tools, and workflows.
- Sold by Nirmata
Enterprise support for open source Kyverno adopters is provided by Nirmata, the creators and maintainers of Kyverno. Kyverno can be used with Amazon EKS for security and governance. We work with Kyverno adopters to enforce EKS Best Practices and accelerate their adoption of Amazon EKS.
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