- Version Version1
- Sold by Max Pen Test
$5,000.00/mo + $3.00 to $3.00/hr for software + AWS usage fees
Kali Linux is a specialized Linux distribution designed primarily for cybersecurity and penetration testing purposes. It is a powerful and widely-used operating system by security professionals, ethical hackers, and cybersecurity enthusiasts. Kali Linux comes pre-loaded with a vast array of tools and utilities for assessing and testing the security of computer systems and networks. These tools include vulnerability scanners, password cracking tools, network analysis tools, and more. Kali Linux is known for its flexibility, open-source nature, and frequent updates, making it a valuable resource for those involved in securing and testing the security of computer systems and networks. However, it's important to note that the use of Kali Linux should always be within legal and ethical boundaries, with proper authorization and consent for security testing activities.