- Sold by xCures
Clinical data and evidence generation as a service, secured in your own private cloud tenant. Leverage the xCures Platform to translate your patient data rights into data and research assets, securely and efficiently, at scale.
xCures operates an AI-assisted platform that automatically retrieves medical records across care sites. The platform then aggregates and structures the underlying medical data into a standardized representation and a semantic understanding of the patient. Clinical decision support insights are made available to patients (via xINFORM) and healthcare providers (via xDECIDE), and the associated real-time, regulatory-grade data (as well as the underlying evidence-generation application, xUTILITY) are offered as tools to empower clinical research.
Clinical data and evidence generation as a service, secured in your own private cloud tenant. Leverage the xCures Platform to translate your patient data rights into data and research assets, securely and efficiently, at scale.
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