- Sold by Neutronian
Prices starting at $199 | 3 and 12 month subscriptions available.
This listing provides access to the lists of top ranked publishers, data providers, platforms and brands from the Neutronian Data Privacy Scores releases.
Neutronian is a SaaS company providing the most comprehensive approach to privacy compliance and data quality verification. Using a standard evaluation framework, Neutronian produces independent privacy scores and in-depth data quality certification that provides marketers with the transparency they need to confirm their campaigns are running in privacy safe environments and their data partners are privacy compliant.
Prices starting at $199 | 3 and 12 month subscriptions available.
This listing provides access to the lists of top ranked publishers, data providers, platforms and brands from the Neutronian Data Privacy Scores releases.
Prices starting at $2,750 | 3 and 12 month subscriptions available.
This listing contains privacy grades for all publishers, data providers, platforms and brands that were reviewed for the Neutronian Data Privacy Scores.
Price $7,500 | 12 month subscription available.
This listing provides an annual subscription to receive an updated list of the highest-risk companies/domains as identified by the the Neutronian Data Privacy Score framework for each dataset refresh over the course of 12 months.
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