- Version 2023.06
- Sold by Azul
Starting from $0.03/hr or from $200.00/yr (21% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Azul Platform Prime delivers optimizes Java application performance and drives cloud cost efficiency.
Azul is the largest company 100% focused on Java and the JVM, with the largest Java engineering team after Oracle, presence in 14 countries, channel partners covering 88 countries, and over 100 technology partners creating joint solutions for various industries and use cases.
Starting from $0.03/hr or from $200.00/yr (21% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Azul Platform Prime delivers optimizes Java application performance and drives cloud cost efficiency.
Starting from $0.01/hr or from $24.00/yr (61% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Commercially supported, TCK-tested Azul Zulu builds of OpenJDK.
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