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You've been given the edict: get out of the datacenter. Get off of GCP. Get that workload running on AWS!

There's nothing scarier than diving in the deep end alone. We're here to help! We understand that these workloads matter to you, and there's nothing worse than a bad first impression. We'll help you get it done right the first time, with no surprises. With a Workload Migration Assessment, Tennex will:

  • Identify and meet with the stakeholders for your workload
  • Review the use case end-to-end
  • Identify feature parity on AWS, and give you an overview of the services we'll target
  • Identify any potential pain points, and share some ideas to get you to success

Our team is all cloud all the time, and we've worked with countless organizations looking to grow on AWS. Take advantage of our deep expertise in all things cloud, and do it right the first time.

How It Works

Cloud should be simpler. The Workload Migration Assessment is designed to suss out any unknowns and take the guesswork out of a migration to AWS.

Initial Discovery During this 30 minute introductory call, we will identify and prioritize what workload will be reviewed, and learn a bit more about your business. We've worked with dozens of biotech companies, and understand the best ways to align your business goals with your cloud adoption strategy.

Deep Dive Working Sessions Bring your Informatics and DevOps team to a series of deep dive sessions where we'll really dig into the weeds on your workload. The goal is to gain an intuitive understanding of your use case, your pain points, and your desired outcomes on AWS.

Your Migration Roadmap With all of the information in hand, we'll scurry back and design a comprehensive Migration Roadmap, including an AWS architecture diagram, estimated running costs, and estimated professional services costs to complete your migration. In our final review call, we will present with our findings along with your Cloud Adoption Roadmap, both of which are yours to keep! These customized plans are informed by our hands on technical sessions, our deep expertise on AWS, and our lengthy history working with companies just like yours to migrate to AWS.

Stay in Touch for Next Steps Your Migration Roadmap is yours to keep, and there's no long term commitment. Bring your Migration Roadmap back to us for discounts on future engagements. Ask a Cloud Architect to learn more!


You will receive a Migration Roadmap containing detailed architecture diagrams, estimated running costs on AWS, and a project plan estimating professional services costs associated with the migration.

Getting Started

Once you sign up, one of our Cloud Architects will reach out to you to kick off the project and get moving quickly.

Sold by Tennex
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


Once you click "Continue" above, you will be asked to complete a short form with your name and email address. If you would like to be contacted by a Cloud Architect to review your workload's needs before moving forward with the program, please add a note in the additional comments section. Otherwise, we will provide an agreement outlining the Workloads Assessment Migration program and details on the next steps.

If you have questions about this service or Tennex, please reach out and we're happy to help!

Phone: (781) 516-1952


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