Rocky Linux 8 (Official)
Rocky Linux | resf-rl8-20231119Linux/Unix, Other 8.9.20231119 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Why is the smallest instance type a t3a.small!?
This AMI does not support the smaller instance types that a large amount of people use. I know Rocky Linux 8 technically supports it because they are available in the Community AMI section but the Marketplace is the only place I really trust to deploy AMI's from using official AMI's from Rocky Linux themselves. This is a big disappointment and we are meeting as a company about this now and whether we want to adopt Rocky Linux or Alma/Amazon Linux instead.
This AMI only supports a t3a.small at $0.019/hr which is 3-4x the price of the smallest instance types that CentOS 8, RHEL 8, Alma and others support. Rocky Linux team please get this addressed or reply with the reasoning
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Can't seem to login, doesn't happen with the LVM version of the AMI
Seems like this just times out when trying to connect. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this with this image?
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