About Arctic Wolf
End cyber risk for your organization with the Arctic Wolf® Security Operations Cloud and Concierge Security® Model.
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- Sold by Arctic Wolf
Arctic Wolf Managed Detection and Response (MDR) provides 24x7 monitoring of your networks, endpoints, and cloud environments to help you detect, respond, and recover from modern cyber attacks.
- Sold by Arctic Wolf
The Threat Scanner lets organizations scan their public facing IPs and domains. Each scan finds the most active, claim causing vulnerabilities, identified as the root point of compromise in previous cyber incidents or deemed highly exploitable through our threat intelligence division, Arctic Wolf labs. This offering includes access to a secure portal to run our proprietary scan. A team of security experts will reach out within 72 hours to guide you through the process and results. Customer may scan up 10 IP Addresses or Domains, on 5 separate occasions.
- Sold by Arctic Wolf
Arctic Wolf Managed Risk enables you to discover, assess, and harden your environment against digital risks by contextualizing your attack surface coverage across your networks, endpoints, and cloud environments.
- Sold by Arctic Wolf
Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness prepares your employees to recognize and neutralize social engineering attacks and human error - helping to end cyber risk at your organization.
- Sold by Arctic Wolf
The Arctic Wolf IR JumpStart Retainer is the first proactive incident response retainer that combines incident response planning with a 1-hour SLA and no prepaid hours. Get priority access to incident response experts and a preferred rate on IR engagements without committing to a minimum number of incident response hours.
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