What is Neptune?

Amazon Neptune is a graph analytics and serverless database that makes it easy to create and manage interactive graph applications at any scale.

Amazon Neptune Database

Neptune Database is a fully managed graph database that you can use to search and query billions of relationships in milliseconds across thousands of concurrent queries. It provides high-availability configurations, dynamic scalability with serverless, multi-Region support for increased resiliency, and integrations with other AWS services such as Amazon SageMaker and Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Neptune automatically scales storage, growing storage and rebalancing I/O operations to provide consistent performance without the need for overprovisioning. Neptune storage is fault-tolerant and self-healing, and disk failures are repaired in the background without loss of database availability. Neptune is designed to automatically detect database crashes and restart without the need for crash recovery or to rebuild the database cache. If the entire instance fails, Neptune will automatically fail over to one of up to 15 read replicas.

SQL queries for highly connected data are complex and hard to tune for performance. Instead, Neptune allows you to use the popular graph query languages Apache TinkerPop Gremlin and W3C’s SPARQL and openCypher to run powerful queries that are easy to write and perform well on connected data. This significantly reduces code complexity, and allows you to more quickly create applications that process relationships. You can quickly launch a Neptune database instance with a few steps in the Neptune console.

Amazon Neptune Analytics

Neptune AnalyticsNEW is an analytics database engine that supports graph analytics, graph algorithms, and vector search of graph data stored in Amazon S3 buckets or a Neptune database. You can analyze tens of billions of relationships in seconds. With Neptune Analytics, you can load data from an existing Neptune database or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with a few simple API calls and satisfy the most demanding graph analytic workloads. You can select an existing Neptune database as the data source, which will be automatically loaded into Neptune Analytics. You can also choose to have Neptune Analytics load graph data directly from Amazon S3 using CSV files in common graph export formats.

Amazon Neptune ML

Neptune ML is an integration between a Neptune database and SageMaker. Neptune ML trains graph neural networks (GNNs), a machine learning (ML) technique purpose built for graphs, to make fast and more accurate predictions using your graph data. Neptune ML supports real-time predictions on nodes, edges, and properties (entities) that were added to the graph after the ML model training process, giving you predictions on new data without retraining your ML models each time.

High performance and scalability

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High availability and durability

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Highly secure

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Fully managed

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ML and generative AI

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Developer productivity

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Compliance programs

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