AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes

AWS EKoSystem Day New York

AWS EKoSystem Day, Kubernetes Birthday Edition: A Day with the EKS Community

from Saptak Sen, Product Manager, Container Services, Amazon Web Services: Kubernetes is turning three next weekend. To celebrate the upcoming birthday, please join us online or in New York for AWS EKoSytem Day on July 19, 2018, at 10 AM EST. At the launch of Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS), more than […]

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Spinnaker project logo

Sailing with Spinnaker on AWS

We have recently begun contributing to an exciting open source project, Spinnaker from Netflix. Spinnaker is a cloud-based continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. Spinnaker makes it easier for developers to focus on writing code without having to worry about the underlying cloud infrastructure. It integrates seamlessly with tools such as […]

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output of eksctl create command

eksctl: Amazon EKS Cluster with One Command

There are a number of ways to create a Kubernetes cluster using Amazon Elastic Container Service. eksctl gives you a simple, single, one-line command to bring up a cluster with a basic VPC, and completes the process by writing a new KUBECONFIG and deploying the aws-auth ConfigMap, allowing you to get up and running with […]

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Helm benchmark results

Raising Helm – to Enterprise Scale

中文版 A typical application deployed to Kubernetes consists of multiple manifests such as Deployment and Service for each microservice. Deploying these individual manifests can be challenging – this is where package managers like Helm come to the rescue. This post from Baruch Sadogursky of JFrog provides a status update on what is being done to […]

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Integrate SAML 2 with AD and SSO diagram

Integrating LDAP/AD Users to Kubernetes RBAC with the AWS-IAM-Authenticator Community Project

中文版 Our customers ask us how they can secure access to their Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) or Kubernetes on EC2 clusters. Our enterprise customers have implemented Active Directory (AD), Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS), or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for identity and access management on-premises, and use AWS Identity and […]

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EkoSystem Day

Announcing EKoSystem Day – A Day with the EKS Community

Our goal at AWS has always been to ensure that the partner community around every AWS service is rich, vibrant, and ready to meet the diverse usage scenarios of our customers. At the launch of Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) today, over 25 partners from the AWS and Kubernetes communities have announced […]

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Running FaaS on a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS using Kubeless

中文版 Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications and services without provisioning, scaling, or managing any servers. FaaS (Functions as a Service) is the runtime that enables serverless computing by firing off bits of code (functions) as they are needed, freeing the developer from managing infrastructure and enabling the developer to simply write […]

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Kubernetes graphic

kube-aws: Highly Available, Scalable, and Secure Kubernetes on AWS

There are many ways to manage a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. Kube-AWS is a Kubernetes incubator project that allows you to create, update, and destroy a highly scalable and available Kubernetes cluster on AWS. It provides seamless integration with several AWS features such as KMS, Auto Scaling groups, Spot fleet, node pools, and others. Complete […]

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Kubecon+CloudNativeCon Copenhagen welcome slide

AWS Hygge at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon

It was a full and eventful week at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2018! 4,300 attendees flocked to Copenhagen to learn and be a part of all things Kubernetes and cloud-native. The AWS team kicked off the week with our workshop Kubernetes the AWSome Way! Engineers from our Solutions Architecture and Containers teams taught attendees how […]

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