Cloud Native Agile Production
Fast-turnaround workflows for news, sports, and entertainment shows today face challenges such as vendor lock-in and inflexible or costly solutions. This has made it difficult to realize the business benefits of moving these workflows to the cloud.
Cloud Native Agile Production (CNAP) is a cloud-native, open, and interoperable way of creating fast-turnaround content in the cloud. The system utilizes chunked media held in an open-source Time-addressable Media Store (TAMS) that ingests live feeds into a scalable timeline of media elements, each with a unique identifier. CNAP eliminates redundant data duplication, streamlining and enabling workflows across multiple platforms and teams. Metadata-only operations can also be performed by reference, without copying any media.
This demo shows an end to end CNAP workflow from ingest, manipulating content using both a browser-based editor and a virtual workstation-based editing system, through to gallery playback using a live vision mixer.
Cloud Native Agile Production Demo
Time Addressable Media Store (TAMS) API Architecture
Cloud Native Agile Production Demo
Time Addressable Media Store (TAMS) API Architecture
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