Direct-to-Consumer & Streaming
Optimized FAST Channel Creation
Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) platform operators need fast and efficient channel creation and content personalization to maximize viewing time and reduce overall customer churn. For FAST and first-party video OTT and mobile app providers, content and platform personalization is critical for optimal customer experiences. AWS Partner ThinkAnalytics enables personalized rapid channel creation from platform video on-demand (VOD) assets. Powered by AWS Elemental MediaTailor's Channel Assembly, ThinkFAST allows content owners to automatically generate revenue-optimized FAST channel programming slates, optimizable over time based on user behavior data.
To deliver the optimal experience for customers using existing content libraries, AWS Partners offer solutions, such as Intel’s Library for Video Super Resolution (Intel® Library for VSR), that optimize video quality output for the highest resolution playback devices.
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