AWS News Blog

Developer Preview of AWS SDK for Go is Now Available

My colleague Loren Segal shared the blog post below. As you can see, he’s really excited about the new AWS SDK for Go!

— Jeff;

Today we are announcing the first Developer Preview Release of the AWS SDK for Go (v0.6.0). If you have not been following along with development, the AWS SDK for Go now has full AWS service support, exponential backoff retry handling, and more. Since our last announcement, we’ve also added a concurrent streaming upload and download manager for Amazon S3, and built-in support for response pagination, with resource waiter support in the works. We have also added a Getting Started Guide, which we will continue to update as we add new features to the SDK.

This release also comes with a few organizational and process changes. Firstly, we have moved our GitHub repository from the awslabs organization to aws/aws-sdk-go. This signifies that this SDK is no longer in an experimental state. Please make sure to update your “import” statements to reflect this new location accordingly (see the example below for the full statement). Secondly, being in Developer Preview mode means that we will now be providing releases for new services and service updates as they are made available, which should allow users to keep up-to-date with all of our new AWS functionality.

We’re excited to get this SDK in your hands and to hear what you think about the changes and new features we’ve been working on. The goal of our Developer Preview cycle is to get feedback about what works and what does not so that we can make tweaks to our API before locking it down for a stable 1.0 release, so don’t be shy about letting us know what you do and don’t like on our GitHub Issues page!

To end this post, I thought I’d share a small example code snippet using response pagination and our Amazon S3 download manager to pull down a series of objects in S3 to your local file system. For simplicity, each file is downloaded sequentially, though it would be possible to wrap these operations in goroutines and have them download concurrently as well. Note that, while using the download manager, each individual download operation will retrieve data concurrently in chunks.

package main
import (
var (
    Bucket         = "MyBucket" // Download from this bucket
    Prefix         = "logs/"    // Using this key prefix
    LocalDirectory = "s3logs"   // Into this directory
func main() {
    manager := s3manager.NewDownloader(nil)
    d := downloader{bucket: Bucket, dir: LocalDirectory, Downloader: manager}
    client := s3.New(nil)
    params := &s3.ListObjectsInput{Bucket: &Bucket, Prefix: &Prefix}
    client.ListObjectsPages(params, d.eachPage)
type downloader struct {
    bucket, dir string
func (d *downloader) eachPage(page *s3.ListObjectsOutput, more bool) bool {
    for _, obj := range page.Contents {
    return true
func (d *downloader) downloadToFile(key string) {
    // Create the directories in the path
    file := filepath.Join(d.dir, key)
    if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(file), 0775); err != nil {
    // Setup the local file
    fd, err := os.Create(file)
    if err != nil {

    defer fd.Close()

    // Download the file using the AWS SDK
    fmt.Printf("Downloading s3://%s/%s to %s...\n", d.bucket, key, file)
    params := &s3.GetObjectInput{Bucket: &d.bucket, Key: &key}
    d.Download(fd, params)


Loren Segal, Software Development Engineer

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.