AWS Storage Blog

Welcome to the AWS Storage Blog

Welcome to the AWS Storage Blog! This blog covers AWS storage and data transfer services and will help you learn how to optimize your use of AWS for cloud storage use cases and help you uncover new ones. We will cover topics that include deep dives on features and services, technical best practices, insights from our storage leaders, and highlights from how customers like you are using AWS storage services.

AWS has been helping enterprises on their cloud journey for 13 years. Moving storage workloads to the cloud has been one of the main ways CIOs have been able to address their top strategic priorities of increasing their organization’s agility, accelerating their ability to innovate, strengthening their security, and reducing their cost.

When it comes to enterprises moving storage workloads to the cloud, there are several areas, or buckets, that are most common for customers to focus on. These include building a data lake to create a central repository which can be used to run analytics and machine learning, backup, archive, and home directory storage, hybrid cloud storage, and lifting and shifting existing applications along with their associated NAS and SAN storage to the cloud.

At AWS, we have the great fortune to work on many interesting large-scale storage implementations, as well as the privilege to observe our customers achieve audacious goals. Many highly available services, web sites, and business systems have been built on top of AWS storage services.

We’ll be sharing posts from many AWS team members covering areas including, but not limited to:

  • Deeper dives on new storage services or features
  • How-to-guides for common storage use cases
  • Insights from our storage leadership team
  • Best practices for using and optimizing AWS storage services
  • Customer and partner stories
  • And more!

We hope you’ll find this blog helpful, bookmark it, and come back often. Subscribe to our blog using the RSS feed button at the top of the page.

If you have requests to cover specific topics, let us know in the comments.

Sean White

Sean White

Sean White is the Amazon S3 product marketing manager at AWS. He enjoys writing about the innovative ways customers use Amazon S3, launching new features and innovations that that delight customers, and simplifying the complex. He is based in Boston, loves spending time with his wife and two kids, watching sports, and exploring craft breweries.