NAB Show 2024 Demo Showcase
Direct to Consumer
Optimized FAST channel creation, Live-to-VOD automation, and secured enhanced video experiences
Free Ad-supported Streaming Television (FAST) platform operators need fast and efficient channel creation and content personalization to maximize viewing time and reduce overall customer churn. Live to video on-demand (VOD) content preparation combined with the capabilities of Amazon Personalize, creates satisfying experiences with reduced decision fatigue for customers consuming VOD content. Targeted advertising is added with AWS Elemental MediaTailor for both VOD and FAST channel playout.
Customers expect high quality video playback experiences and Intel’s Super Resolution Video (Intel® Library for VSR) library optimizes video quality output for the highest resolution playback devices. Partner IMAX’s StreamSmart solution enables operators to maintain a target experiential quality at the lowest possible bitrate for each customer to save in delivery costs and maximize customer accessibility. For use cases where the integrity or security of the delivered video is paramount, partner NAGRA’s NexGuard forensic watermarking is used to aid in both content security and detection of any modifications from the original source.
For FAST and first party video OTT and mobile application providers, content and platform personalization is critical for creating optimal customer experiences. Accedo, ThinkAnalytics, and Amagi enable personalized fast channel creation from platform VOD assets. And, ThinkAnalytics with AWS Elemental MediaTailor’s Channel Assembly enables content library owners to automatically generate revenue-optimized FAST channel programming slates that can be optimized over time based on user behavior data.
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