NAB Show 2024 Demo Showcase
Advanced Advertising Formats with Triplelift, Innovid, SpringServe, castLabs and AWS Elemental MediaTailor
This demo features non-intrusive ad formats (overlays) rendered on the client-side for live – squeeze backs/frame ads, split-screen ads, and ad overlays with Innovid’s client SDKs in concert with SpringServe Ad Decision Server (ADS), castLabs as the OTT client, and Elemental MediaTailor SSAI pass-through signaling to the player for the non-linear overlays. These advanced ad formats appear at the same time as the primary content, allowing continuity of viewership, as opposed to existing pre-roll and mid-roll ad formats that take the viewer away from their content. Overlay advertising can be served across a range of devices, including those without native overlay ad support (based on the device’s capability).
The demo also features non-intrusive ad formats (overlays) rendered on the server-side for VOD - squeeze backs/frame ads, split-screen ads, ad overlays and virtual product placement (VPP) with Triplelift Creative Ad Server in concert with SpringServe Ad Decision Server (ADS), castLabs as the OTT client, and Elemental MediaTailor SSAI for segment replacement in the manifest.

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