AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog


Simplify Refactoring Monoliths to Microservices with AWS and vFunction

For complex and large legacy monoliths, enterprises can quickly run into a wall with rehosting alone. The more lines of code, classes, and interdependencies, the less value you get from lifting and shifting. Learn how AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces and vFunction help in the analysis of monolith applications, set priorities to extract the microservices, deploy the microservices in cloud-native AWS services, and route the user traffic with minimal effort.

AWS Quick Starts

New Auto Scaling Support for NGINX Plus on AWS

The updated NGINX Plus on AWS Quick Start uses customizable AWS CloudFormation templates to automate design, configuration, and setup tasks, and deploys NGINX Plus on AWS in less than 30 minutes. It’s designed to kick-start application migrations by deploying a turn-key NGINX Plus application delivery infrastructure. The AWS Quick Start enables you to spin up an entire NGINX Plus load-balancing and application delivery infrastructure with minimal effort.