AWS News Blog

AWS SDK for C++ – Now Ready for Production Use

After almost a year of developer feedback and contributions, version 1.0 of the AWS SDK for C++ is now available and recommended for production use. The SDK follows semantic versioning, so starting at version 1.0, you can depend on any of the C++ SDKs at version 1.x, and upgrades will not break your build.

Based on the feedback that we received for the developer preview of the SDK, we have made several important changes and improvements:

  • Semantic Versioning – The SDK now follows semantic versioning. Starting with version 1.0, you can be confident that upgrades within the 1.x series will not break your build.
  • Transfer Manager – The original TransferClient has evolved into the new and improved TransferManager interface.
  • Build Process – The CMake build chain has been improved in order to make it easier to override platform defaults.
  • Simplified Configuration -It is now easier to set SDK-wide configuration options at runtime.
  • Encryption – The SDK now includes symmetric cryptography support on all supported platforms.
  • NuGet – The SDK is now available via NuGet (read AWS SDK for C++ Now Available via. NuGet to learn more).
  • Fixes – The 1.0 codebase includes numerous bug fixes and build improvements.

In addition, we have more high-level APIs that we will be releasing soon to make C++ development on AWS even easier and more secure.

Here’s a code sample using the new and improved TransferManager API:

#include <aws/core/Aws.h>
#include <aws/s3/S3Client.h>
#include <aws/transfer/TransferManager.h>

static const char* ALLOC_TAG = "main";

int main()
    Aws::SDKOptions options;

    auto s3Client = Aws::MakeShared<Aws::S3::S3Client>(ALLOC_TAG);
    Aws::Transfer::TransferManagerConfiguration transferConfig;
    transferConfig.s3Client = s3Client;

    transferConfig.transferStatusUpdatedCallback =
       [](const TransferManager*, const TransferHandle& handle)
       { std::cout << "Transfer Status = " << static_cast(handle.GetStatus()) << "\n"; }

    transferConfig.uploadProgressCallback =
        [](const TransferManager*, const TransferHandle& handle)
        { std::cout << "Upload Progress: " << handle.GetBytesTransferred() << " of " << handle.GetBytesTotalSize() << " bytes\n";};

    transferConfig.downloadProgressCallback =
        [](const TransferManager*, const TransferHandle& handle)
        { std::cout << "Download Progress: " << handle.GetBytesTransferred() << " of " << handle.GetBytesTotalSize() << " bytes\n"; };
    Aws::Transfer::TransferManager transferManager(transferConfig);
    auto transferHandle = transferManager.UploadFile("/user/aws/giantFile", "aws_cpp_ga", "giantFile", 
                                                     "text/plain", Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String>());
    return 0;

Visit the AWS SDK for C++ home page and read the AWS Developer Blog (C++) to learn more.

Keep the Feedback Coming
Now that the AWS SDK for C++ is production-ready, we’d like to know what you think, how you are using it, and how we can make it even better. Please feel free to file issues or to submit pull requests as you find opportunities for improvement.


Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.