AWS News Blog

Friday Wrapup

Voiced by Polly

I’m just about to sign off in anticipation of a vacation week devoid of computers, Blackberries, web services, blogs, and even Second Life. Before I go, here are a few things to keep you busy in the week to come.

In addition to releasing that new version of Blueorganizer, Alex Iskold just published a very nice article — Amazon, the Real Web Services Company. As Alex says, “Amazon has been quietly, and recently not so quietly, building the blocks of the next generation software platform.” While we don’t generally talk about our “big picture” strategy, this article does a nice job of synthesizing an accurate model of that strategy based on our products. If you want the bird’s-eye view of our entire lineup of services, this is a must-read.

Martin Kochanski has apparently been typing and blogging non-stop this week. He’s released the first 5 items in his series of “S3 in Business” posts. Here’s what he has so far:

  1. S3 in Business: 1-Introduction
  2. S3 in Business: 2-Tunesafe
  3. S3 in Business:
  4. S3 in Business: 4-My Tunesafe
  5. S3 in Business: 5-Money in Golden Buckets

I’ll be among the last to ready next week’s series, unless I get “web withdrawal” and sneak off to an internet cafe for a quick fix.

And with that I’m off to the Silicon Valley TechCrunch party, a quick flight home tomorrow, and then on to Mexico on Monday.

— Jeff;

Modified 2/1/2021 – In an effort to ensure a great experience, expired links in this post have been updated or removed from the original post.
Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.