AWS Big Data Blog

Announcing end-of-support for Amazon Kinesis Client Library 1.x and Amazon Kinesis Producer Library 0.x effective January 30, 2026

Amazon Kinesis Client Library (KCL) 1.x and Amazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) 0.x will reach end-of-support on January 30, 2026. Accordingly, these versions will enter maintenance mode on April 17, 2025. During maintenance mode, AWS will provide updates only for critical bug fixes and security issues. Major versions in maintenance mode will not receive updates for new features or feature enhancements.

KCL is a software library that simplifies building applications to process streaming data from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. KCL handles complex tasks such as load balancing across multiple consumer workers, responding to worker failures, checkpointing processed records, and adapting to throughput changes.

KPL is a software library that helps developers write producer applications to achieve high throughput data into Kinesis Data Streams. KPL manages record batching, aggregation, and retry logic to maximize throughput and optimize resource usage while simplifying the producer application development process.

The following table outlines the level of support for each phase of the major version lifecycle of KCL and KPL.

Major versions Version Lifecycle Phase Start Date End Date Support Level
KCL 1.x General Availability 12/19/2013 4/16/2025 During this phase, the major version is fully supported. AWS provides regular minor and patch version releases that include support for new features or API updates for Kinesis Data Streams, as well as bug and security fixes.
KPL 0.x General Availability 6/2/2015 4/16/2025 During this phase, the major version is fully supported. AWS provides regular minor and patch version releases that include support for new features or API updates for Kinesis Data Streams, as well as bug and security fixes.
KCL 1.x, KPL 0.x Maintenance mode 4/17/2025 1/29/2026 AWS is limiting patch version releases to address critical bug fixes and security issues only. The major version will not receive updates for new features or APIs of Kinesis Data Streams.
KCL 1.x, KPL 0.x End-of-support 1/30/2026 N/A The major version will no longer receive updates or releases. Previously published releases will continue to be available through public package managers and the code will remain on GitHub.

Impact on non-Java KCL Libraries

The maintenance mode and end-of-support dates apply to the following non-Java KCL 1.x libraries:

Migrating from KCL 1.x or KPL 0.x

If you’re using KCL 1.x or KPL 0.x, we recommend migrating to the latest versions (KCL 3.x and KPL 1.x). When migrating from KCL 1.x to 3.x, you will need to update interfaces and security credential providers in your application. For migrations from KPL 0.x to 1.x, you can upgrade your current KPL application without any change in your data processing logic. To learn more, refer to the following resources:


KCL 1.x and KPL 0.x will reach end-of-support on January 30, 2026 and enter maintenance mode on April 17, 2025. If you need assistance or have feedback, reach out to AWS support. You can also open an issue in the KCL GitHub repository or KPL GitHub repository.

About the author

Minu Hong is a Senior Product Manager for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams at AWS. He is passionate about understanding customer challenges around streaming data and developing optimized solutions for them. Outside of work, Minu enjoys traveling, playing tennis, skiing, and cooking.