AWS Machine Learning Blog

Tag: AWS Deep Learning

Deep Learning AMI for Ubuntu v1.3_Apr2017 Now Supports Caffe2

We are excited to announce that the AWS Deep Learning AMI for Ubuntu now supports the newly launched Caffe2 project led by Facebook. AWS is the best and most open place for developers to run deep learning, and the addition of Caffe2 adds yet another choice. To learn more about Caffe2, check out the the […]

Deploy Deep Learning Models on Amazon ECS

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the computer science field dedicated to solving cognitive problems commonly associated with human intelligence, such as learning, problem solving, and pattern recognition. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are computer science fields derived from the AI discipline. Most ML and DL systems have two distinct parts: training (or learning) and […]

Updated AWS CloudFormation Deep Learning Template Adds New Features and Capabilities

Listen to this post Voiced by Amazon Polly AWS CloudFormation, which creates and configures Amazon Web Services resources with a template, simplifies the process of setting up a distributed deep learning cluster. The AWS CloudFormation Deep Learning template uses the latest updated Amazon Deep Learning AMI (which provides Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, Caffe, Theano, Torch, and CNTK […]

Deep Learning AMI release v2.0 now Available for Amazon Linux

Listen to this post Voiced by Amazon Polly You can now use upgraded versions of Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, CNTK, and Caffe, on the AWS Deep Learning AMI v2.0 for Amazon Linux, including Keras, available in the AWS Marketplace. The Deep Learning AMI v2.0 for Amazon Linux is designed to continue to provide a stable, secure, […]

The AWS Deep Learning AMI, Now with Ubuntu

We are excited to announce that an AWS Deep Learning AMI for Ubuntu is now available in the AWS Marketplace in addition to the Amazon Linux version. The AWS Deep Learning AMI, now available on AWS Marketplace, lets you run deep learning in the Cloud, at any scale. Launch instances of pre-installed, open source deep learning […]