Direct-to-Consumer & Streaming
Customer Driven Content Creation
The growth of live streaming platforms has enabled creators and streamers to connect with their audiences in real-time through user-generated content (UGC), fostering a sense of community and interactivity. Latency is a key challenge faced by these platforms, which can significantly impact the overall user experience and the quality of interaction between streamers and their audience. Through the use of Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS), a fully managed live streaming solution, streamers can build low-latency interactive video experiences that foster engagement and create community.
In this demo, users can choose to go live and collaborate in real-time. Streamers can invite other users to join their real-time stream, and viewers can watch their real-time interactions as they would from a regular HLS stream. This UGC platform demo, powered by Amazon IVS, supports multi-user chat, polls, event statistics, and other custom content delivered in synchronization with the video playback. Viewer interactions based on user reactions, likes, comments and clicks are transformed into highlights, capturing the best moments of the event. These interactions are then captured and transformed into insights, which are visualized in a dashboard powered by Amazon Managed Grafana.
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