
Category: Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

Implementing a pub/sub architecture with AWS Copilot

Introduction The AWS Copilot CLI is a tool that since its launch in 2020, developers have been using to build, manage, and operate Linux and Windows containers on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS Fargate, and AWS App Runner. In this post, I’ll walk you through how you can use AWS Copilot CLI to […]

Saga Orchestration pattern architecture

Implementing the Saga Orchestration pattern with Amazon EKS and Amazon SNS

This blog post proposes an ecommerce scenario with an Orders microservice, an Orders Rollback microservice and an Inventory microservice that communicate with each other. This communication happens while raising an order successfully or rolling back an order when the Inventory microservice reports an error. This communication is orchestrated with Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) […]