AWS Database Blog

Category: PostgreSQL compatible

Choose the right PostgreSQL data access pattern for your SaaS application

In a multi-tenant environment, the process of identifying the database isolation strategy most suitable for your workload is essential. Your isolation strategy ensures that one tenant cannot access another tenant’s data, and defines how the actions of tenants affect one another. The isolation strategy is driven by a combination of business, domain, security, cost, resiliency, […]

How Wiz used Amazon ElastiCache to improve performance and reduce costs

This is a guest post by Sagi Tsofan, Senior Software Engineer at Wiz in partnership with AWS. At Wiz, it’s all about scale. Our platform ingests metadata and telemetry for tens of billions of cloud resources every day. Our agentless scanner collects massive amounts of data that needs to be processed very efficiently. As our […]

Configure Kerberos authentication for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL without joining an Active Directory domain

Organizations that adopt centralized authentication mechanisms gain the following benefits: Enhanced security posture: Centralized authentication enables quick addition or removal of user access throughout the network, giving organizations improved security and the ability to respond quickly to security threats. Scalability: By controlling access through a centralized database, organizations can scale their network and minimize performance […]

Achieve up to 17x lower replication lag with the new write-through cache for Aurora PostgreSQL

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition recently added the logical replication write-through cache. The logical replication write-through cache helps improve performance by reducing the amount of Aurora storage I/O that takes place during logical decoding. When you use the write-through cache, the logical decoder looks in the cache first for data to satisfy queries; if the data is […]

Remediate object change notifications from Oracle to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

An Oracle to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL migration is a multi-stage process with different technologies and skills involved, starting from the assessment stage to the cutover stage. For more information about the database migration process, refer to the following posts: Database Migration—What Do You Need […]

Manage collation changes in PostgreSQL on Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS

In this post, we explore how text collations work in PostgreSQL, the effect on PostgreSQL when the collation changes, and how to detect these changes. We also review how Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Aurora can help you manage collations using an independent default collation library, and future work in PostgreSQL on […]

Scale applications using multi-Region Amazon EKS and Amazon Aurora Global Database: Part 2

This is the second in a two-part series about scaling applications globally using multi-Region Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon Aurora Global Database. In Part 1, you learned the architecture patterns and foundational pillars of a multi-Region application design. In this post, we use the read local and write global design pattern to scale, […]

Generate Excel workbooks from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

July 2023: This post was reviewed for accuracy. When using databases, you may need to move data into different systems, including other databases or other tools, to perform different analysis. One method to do this is through flat files, such as comma-separated value lists (CSVs), as these let you transfer data in a common format […]

Upgrade Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL version 10

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL version 10 end of life is approaching. If you’re currently running your Aurora or RDS instances on PostgreSQL 10, you must upgrade your databases. Announcement: Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 10.x end of life is January 31, 2023 Announcement: Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 10.x […]

Partition existing tables using native commands in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

Customers use Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition for hosting their Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) database workloads. Considering the scale at which today’s applications operate, databases can grow to hundreds of terabytes in a very short span of time. Databases grow in size because the majority share of […]