AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Java

Invoking AWS Lambda Functions from Java

AWS Lambda makes it incredibly easy and cost-effective to run your code at arbitrary scale in the cloud. Simply write the handler code for your function and upload it to Lambda. The service takes care of hosting and scaling the function for you. And in case you somehow missed it, it now supports writing function […]

AWS SDK for Java Office Hour

The AWS SDKs and Tools team invites you to the first-ever online office hour hosted by the maintainers of the AWS SDK for Java and AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. It will be held via Google Hangouts from 10:30-11:30am PDT (UTC -7:00) on Thursday 6/18. If you don’t have one already, you will be required to […]

Generating Amazon S3 Pre-signed URLs with SSE-C (Part 5 Finale)

In the previous blog (Part 4), we demonstrated how you can generate and consume pre-signed URLs using SSE-C. In this last and final blog of the series, I will provide code examples that show how to generate and consume pre-signed URLs using SSE-C, but restricting the URLs to be used only with specific customer-provided encryption […]

Generating Amazon S3 Pre-signed URLs with SSE-C (Part 4)

In Part 3 of this blog, we demonstrated how you can generate and consume pre-signed URLs using SSE-S3. In this blog, I will provide code examples to show how you can generate and consume pre-signed URLs using one of the more advanced options, namely SSE-C (server-side encryption with customer-provided encryption keys). The code samples assume the […]

Generating Amazon S3 Pre-signed URLs with SSE-S3 (Part 3)

As mentioned in Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog, there are fundamentally four ways you can generate Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs using server-side encryption (SSE). We demonstrated how you could do so with SSE-KMS (server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service). In this blog, I will provide further sample code that shows how […]

DynamoDB XSpec API

One of the most powerful tools for accessing Amazon DynamoDB is the use of a DynamoDB domain-specific language (DSL) called expressions. If you look closely, you will find the support of DynamoDB expressions everywhere. For instance, you can access the attributes of an item using projection expressions. You can query or scan items using filter […]

Generating Amazon S3 Pre-signed URLs with SSE-KMS (Part 2)

To continue from the previous blog, I will provide specific code examples that show how you can generate and consume pre-signed URLs using server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS). A pre-requisite to this option is that you must be using Signature Version 4 (SigV4). You can enable SigV4 in the AWS SDK for […]

Generating Amazon S3 Pre-signed URLs with SSE (Part 1)

By default, all objects and buckets are private in Amazon S3. Pre-Signed URLs are a popular way to let your users or customers upload or download specific objects to/from your bucket, but without requiring them to have AWS security credentials or permissions. In part 1 of this blog, we will take a look at all […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse Integration with AWS OpsWorks

Today, we are introducing a new addition to the AWS toolkit for Eclipse — the AWS OpsWorks plugin. This new plugin allows you to easily deploy your Java web applications from your development environment directly to AWS infrastructures. So you might remember the AWS CodeDeploy plugin that we introduced recently, and some of you have […]

Storing JSON documents in Amazon DynamoDB tables

DynamoDBMapper is a high-level abstraction layer in the AWS SDK for Java that allows you to transform java objects into items in Amazon DynamoDB tables and vice versa. All you need to do is annotate your java class in a few places, and the mapper takes care of getting the objects in and out of […]