AWS Cloud Financial Management

Launch: Cloud Financial Management services available in China

We are pleased to announce the AWS Cost Management suite of products is now available in AWS China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD, and in AWS China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet.  The services and features include AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR), Reserved Instances Recommendation and Reporting, and EC2 Rightsizing Recommendations.  Customers can now use these resources to better view, manage, plan, and optimize spend and resource utilization on AWS.

As more and more customers in our China regions migrating to AWS and leveraging our technologies to accelerate business initiatives, we want to make sure we provide the right tools and resources to help manage cloud finance and drive the expected business outcomes.

With the AWS Cost Management solutions, customers can:

  • Establish cost allocation models and a foundation for improved cost management
  • Raise awareness and accountability of cloud spend
  • Track billing across the organization in a single, consolidated view
  • Keep spend in check with custom budget thresholds and auto alert notifications
  • Optimize costs and usage, while building modern, scalable applications to meet business needs

How can you get started?

If you are customers in AWS China Regions, you can now log in to your AWS Billing Console and starting enabling these cost management services.

AWS will also provide you with resource optimization and RI purchase recommendations based on your usage patterns.  You can select your preferred language between English and Simplified Chinese in the console.


Cloud cost visibility and control are instrumental in establishing a culture of cost accountability in organizations.  This empowers builders to balance cost, performance, security in architecture designs, as well as enables leaders to understand and adjust investment decisions.

We have learned from our customers and their real-world experiences that effective cloud financial management can achieve not only cost savings, but more importantly, it will generate business value across staff productivity, operational resilience, and business agility.  You can learn more about how our customers leveraged Cloud Financial Management best practices to accelerate both top and bottom line results for their businesses from our recent blog “Leveraging the CFM lever to move your business world”.