AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js

Overview of AWS SDK for JavaScript

Modular AWS SDK for JavaScript – Release Candidate

As of December 15th, 2020, the AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 3 (v3) is generally available. We’re happy to announce the Release Candidate (RC) of the AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 3 (v3). This RC follows the Developer preview release of the JavaScript SDK. It is a major rewrite of the version 2.x code base, and […]

Preview of AWS Toolkit for WebStorm

At re:Invent 2018 we unveiled the AWS Toolkit for three new IDEs – IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm and Visual Studio Code. Powered by the AWS SAM CLI, these toolkits enable local invocation and step-through debugging of your AWS Lambda functions directly in your IDE. We’re pleased to announce that a Preview of the AWS Toolkit is […]

Authenticate applications through facial recognition with Amazon Cognito and Amazon Rekognition

With increased use of different applications, social networks, financial platforms, emails and cloud storage solutions, managing different passwords and credentials can become a burden. In many cases, sharing one password across all these applications and platforms is just not possible. Different security standards may be required, such as passwords composed by only numeric characters, password […]

New AWS SDK for JavaScript – Developer Preview

We’re happy to announce the developer preview of the AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 3. This version of the SDK is a major rewrite of the 2.x code base. It’s written in TypeScript and adds frequently requested features, like modularized packages. Many aspects of the SDK have been refactored and cleaned up in addition to […]

Introducing support for Amazon S3 Select in the AWS SDK for JavaScript

We’re excited to announce support for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) selectObjectContent API with event streams in the AWS SDK for JavaScript. Using Amazon S3 Select, you can query for a subset of data from an S3 object by using simple SQL expressions. Amazon S3 streams the responses as a series of events, […]

Introducing the Amazon DynamoDB DataMapper for JavaScript – Developer Preview

We’re happy to announce that the @aws/dynamodb-data-mapper package is now in Developer Preview and available for you to try via npm. The Amazon DynamoDB DataMapper for JavaScript is a high-level client for writing and reading structured data to and from DynamoDB, built on top of the AWS SDK for JavaScript. Getting started You can install […]