AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: ESG

Man looking for path forward

I’m a Mature Cloud Adopter. Now What?

Many enterprises have already become proficient with the cloud. They’ve migrated a substantial portion of their workloads, learned the necessary cloud skills, established an aggressive security posture, and developed at least an initial workable operating model. What’s next? How do you build on that foundation to maximize the value of the cloud? Here are some […]

Enterprise Strategy Blog 2021: Year-End Roundup

Overview Throughout the year, we write blog posts on whatever topics seem to be most important to the AWS customer executives we speak to. Each of us on the Enterprise Strategy team holds 100-200 customer meetings a year, generally at the most senior executive levels, to try to help with their challenges in digital transformation—cultural […]

Engineering for DEI: Tapping IT Creativity and Technique to Address Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

By Wesley Story and Mark Schwartz In previous posts we’ve talked about the increasing enterprise focus on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), or stakeholder capitalism. One of the most important components of ESG is diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI. In this blog post we won’t spend time on why it’s important—we’ve covered that […]

IT and ESG Part Two: How IT Can and Must Further the Company’s ESG Efforts

In my previous post I explained why environmental, social, and corporate governance (or ESG) has become such an important concern for enterprises; why it is a strategic consideration; why it rises to the level of the board of directors’ attention; and how it differs from corporate social responsibility (CSR) in that it requires the company’s […]

IT and Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG), Part One: A CEO and Board Concern

Environmental and social governance, or ESG, is a growing concern for business leaders—and for government regulators, investors, and standards bodies. Recent events have only increased the business world’s focus on ESG: worker wellness has become a major concern during the COVID-19 pandemic; social justice protests have drawn attention to gaps in diversity, equity, and inclusion; […]