AWS Quantum Technologies Blog

Tag: AWS Center for Quantum Networking

Implementing a quantum-secured network in a metropolitan area

The AWS Center for Quantum Networking (CQN) has completed its first trial of quantum-secured communication in a customer environment. With a mission to address the fundamental scientific and engineering challenges to build quantum networks, we work with customers to evaluate the current state of the technology and its fit for cloud infrastructure. We’ve heard from […]

New research from Harvard and AWS will enable higher temperature operation of quantum communications networks

Following the announcement of a research alliance between the AWS Center for Quantum Networking and Harvard University, a joint team of Harvard and AWS scientists published a research paper today in Science Magazine discussing production of quantum memories that can operate at higher temperatures – enabling reduced cost and increased reliability for this fundamental component […]

An Illustrated Introduction to Quantum Networks and Quantum Repeaters

Quantum networks are an emerging technology that distribute entangled quantum bits to geographically separated users. These networks can enable new communication tasks such as the generation of shared cryptographic keys whose security does not depend on algorithmic complexity. This security can supplement and extend the current state-of-the-art in public key cryptography and future-proof it against […]

Announcing a research alliance between AWS and Harvard University

Quantum science is progressing rapidly: in recent decades it has emerged from textbooks to enable tools we use in everyday life, such as lasers and GPS. Amazon, which is already involved in quantum computing, recently announced the creation of the AWS Center for Quantum Networking. That effort will focus on a more overlooked facet of […]

Announcing the AWS Center for Quantum Networking

Over the last decade, governments and technology companies have invested heavily in research and development of quantum computers that have the potential to revolutionize science and technology. While there is still a long way ahead, these investments have already transformed quantum computers: They have evolved from delicate laboratory systems accessible to only a few research […]