AWS Security Blog

Tag: HSM

AWS Key Management Service now offers FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules enabling easier adoption of the service for regulated workloads

May 24, 2023: As of May 2023, AWS KMS is now certified at FIPS 140-2 Security Level 3. AWS Key Management Service (KMS) now uses FIPS 140-2 validated hardware security modules (HSM) and supports FIPS 140-2 validated endpoints, which provide independent assurances about the confidentiality and integrity of your keys. Having additional third-party assurances about […]

How to Remove Single Points of Failure by Using a High-Availability Partition Group in Your AWS CloudHSM Environment

A hardware security module (HSM) is a hardware device designed with the security of your data and cryptographic key material in mind. It is tamper-resistant hardware that prevents unauthorized users from attempting to pry open the device, plug any extra devices in to access data or keys such as subtokens, or damage the outside housing. […]