AWS Storage Blog

Monitoring CloudEndure Disaster Recovery with AWS Lambda

Many organizations must monitor and track their disaster recovery (DR) initiatives to meet business and audit objectives. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery provides fast and reliable recovery of physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers into AWS. It uses email alerts and has a high-level dashboard for monitoring DR jobs. However, many organizations require more robust reporting mechanisms. This includes graphical dashboards and up-to-the-minute status reports to satisfy audits and meet business service level agreements (SLAs).

CloudEndure’s API and integration with security information and event management (SIEM) tools, such as DataDog, provide additional customization. Presidio, an AWS Premier Partner, harnesses technology innovation and simplifies IT complexity to digitally transform businesses and drive return on IT investment. Presidio created a CloudEndure monitoring dashboard using AWS Lambda and DataDog. It presents a single pane of glass to monitor CloudEndure Disaster Recovery workloads and the AWS environment.

This post explains how to use the CloudEndure Disaster Recovery API with AWS Lambda functions to pull logs from CloudEndure and translate them into DataDog. The AWS Lambda functions, created by Presidio, use the CloudEndure API to authenticate and run GET commands on active CloudEndure Disaster Recovery jobs. The AWS Lambda functions are triggered on a regular interval determined by a CloudWatch Events schedule. The combination of DataDog and CloudEndure APIs provides a detailed report on the status of protected servers and email alerts. It also provides a single view into your CloudEndure Disaster Recovery workloads.

How the CloudEndure API works with AWS Lambda functions

This section explains how CloudEndure’s API token provides the code snippets that will run as AWS Lambda functions. This article assumes you have set up CloudEndure Disaster Recovery and have begun replication. You must also have a Datadog API setup and configured.

The following is a visual flow of how CloudEndure logs are posted to DataDog while using AWS Lambda functions for the automation components.

How the CloudEndure API works with AWS Lambda functions

CloudEndure API

The following steps show you how to generate a CloudEndure API token from the CloudEndure console in the Other Settings tab under Setup & Info.

Generate a CloudEndure API token from the CloudEndure console in the Other Settings tab under Setup & Info

You can use the API Token to sign in (rather than your username and password) when making API calls. Click on GENERATE NEW TOKEN to generate a new API Token.

Click on GENERATE NEW TOKEN to generate a new API Token

AWS Lambda functions

Log in to the AWS Management Console and search for the Lambda service. Select create function on the Lambda console. The following is an overview of the Lambda functions.

The Lambda function is triggered by a CloudWatch Events cron schedule. The handler is the main module of the project, and calls the function that gathers and sends logs to DataDog. It posts new data logs to DataDog based on the cron schedule, which is set up using Amazon CloudWatch Events.

All of the CloudEndure Disaster Recovery job status info is parsed by the Lambda function for new events. It uses the CloudEndure API token for authentication with your CloudEndure project and retrieves the CloudEndure event logs. These logs are returned back to the function to be filtered and then sent to the DataDog API.

The Lambda function retrieves the encrypted DataDog API key from the SSM Parameter Store. It then posts data to DataDog using the key for authentication. After sending the data to DataDog, the Lambda automation’s job is complete.

The next two Lambda functions’ ( and main role is to send only the latest update of events from CloudEndure. The logic ensures that no duplicate data is sent to DataDog.

The preceding Lambda functions are triggered on a regular interval determined by the CloudWatch events schedule. The idea is to retrieve new CloudEndure logs, filter for new events, and then post the CloudEndure logs to DataDog in a specific format.

import requests
import json
import post_to_datadog
import ce_logs
import os
import boto3
import send_last_dr_event
import send_last_repl_event

def handler(event, context):
    # Print event
    # Payload, URL, Headers, and post to CE login
    project_dr_json, project_replication_json = ce_logs.get_ce_logs()

    # Return 200 if process runs without error
    return {"ResponseCode": 200}

def send_new_dr_events(project_dr_json):
    # Loop through projects looking for new DR events
    for project_log_dr in project_dr_json['items']:
        has_new_event = send_last_dr_event.send_latest_dr_events(project_log_dr)

def send_new_repl_events(project_replication_json):
    # Loop through projects looking for new DR events
    for project_log_repl in project_replication_json['items']:
        has_new_event = send_last_repl_event.send_latest_repl_events(project_log_repl)

import requests
import json
import post_to_datadog
import boto3
import os
# This module auth's with CE and gets project event logs
def get_ce_logs():

# SSM client and param get
ssm = boto3.client("ssm")
api_key = ssm.get_parameter(

# Payload, URL, Headers, and post to CE login
ce_payload = {"userApiToken":api_key}
ce_url = ''
headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json'}
response =, data=json.dumps(ce_payload), headers=headers)

# Get cookies and start location
cookie_text = response.headers['Set-Cookie']
xToken = cookie_text[cookie_text.find("XSRF-TOKEN=")+12:cookie_text.find(";")-1]
startLoc = cookie_text.find("session=")
cookie_text_start_loc = cookie_text[startLoc:]
sCookie = cookie_text_start_loc[cookie_text_start_loc.find("session"):cookie_text_start_loc.find("; Secure")]

# Perform Get against CE project
ce_project_id = os.environ['CE_PROJECT_ID']
url_ce_projects = "" + ce_project_id + "/jobs"
payload_project = {'X-XSRF-TOKEN' : xToken, 'Cookie' : sCookie}
project_response = requests.get(url_ce_projects, headers=payload_project)
project_data = project_response.content
project_dr_json = json.loads(project_data)

# Get replication data
url_ce_projects_machines = "" + ce_project_id + "/machines"
payload_project_machines = {'X-XSRF-TOKEN' : xToken, 'Cookie' : sCookie}
project_response_machines = requests.get(url_ce_projects_machines, headers=payload_project_machines)
project_data_machines = project_response_machines.content
project_replication_json = json.loads(project_data_machines)

# Print for debug and return data back
# print(json.dumps(project_dr_json,indent=2))
return project_dr_json, project_replication_json

import json
import requests
import boto3
import os

#   This module sets up a payload to send to DD through their https post api

def post_data_to_datadog(payload):
    # Client for ssm and get api key
    ssm = boto3.client("ssm")
    api_key = ssm.get_parameter(
    # Host name set due to DataDog config and limitations for now
    # Set all json payload values and post to DD using API Key
    headers = {'DD-API-KEY': api_key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    response_dd ='', data=json.dumps(payload,sort_keys=True,indent=2),headers=headers)
    return True

import json
import post_to_datadog
import os
import boto3
from datetime import datetime

# Checks replication log info for new events
def send_latest_repl_events(project_log_repl):

    # If project has no repl info, move on.  It may be empty
    if 'replicationInfo' in project_log_repl.keys() and len(project_log_repl['replicationInfo']['initiationStates']['items']) > 0:

        # S3 identifier
        id = project_log_repl['id'] + "_repl_data"

        # S3 client
        s3_client = boto3.client('s3')

        # print("Project Repl Data: ", json.dumps(project_log_repl['replicationInfo']['initiationStates']['items'],indent=2))

        # Perform Get on S3 Object, if it doesnt exist, handle exception
            response = s3_client.get_object(

            # If there is an object, turn it into a string
            last_event_recorded_s3 = json.loads(response['Body'].read())


            # If no S3 object exists, post all repl events to Log Storage
            last_event_to_store_in_s3 = put_all_events(project_log_repl)
            response = s3_client.put_object(
            return True

        # If S3 object exists, Compare S3 object's value to last event in project id
        # If latest event has already been written to log storage, move on
        last_event_to_store_in_s3 = create_replica_payload(project_log_repl['id'],project_log_repl['sourceProperties']['machineCloudId'],project_log_repl['replicationInfo']['initiationStates']['items'][-1]['steps'][-1])
        # Debug
        # print("Last event stored in S3: " + json.dumps(last_event_recorded_s3, indent=2))
        # print("Last event to be stored: " + json.dumps(last_event_to_store_in_s3, indent=2))

        # If last event is same, move on.  Else post all events missing in DD logs
        if last_event_recorded_s3 == last_event_to_store_in_s3:
            print("Last Repl Events already in DD")
            return False
            put_new_events( last_event_recorded_s3, project_log_repl )
            response = s3_client.put_object(
            return True

 #  Creates replication data payload to send to log storage
def create_replica_payload( project_id, ec2Id, project_log_repl_step ):

    # Create payload for replica event
    payload = dict()
    payload = project_log_repl_step
    payload['ddtags'] = {'business_unit': 'managed services'}
    payload['status'] = project_log_repl_step['status']
    payload['id'] = project_id
    payload['ec2InsanceId'] = ec2Id
    return payload

# Gains location of most written log to DD/S3.  Takes slice of current logs that are not yet written, and writes to log storage
def put_new_events( last_event_recorded_s3, project_log_repl ):

    # Debug
    # print("Steps in Repl Process: " + json.dumps(project_log_repl['replicationInfo']['initiationStates']['items'][-1]['steps'],indent=2))
    # print("Last event recorded S3: " + json.dumps(last_event_recorded_s3,indent=2))

    # Get index of last event written in S3/DD
    index_of_latest = project_log_repl['replicationInfo']['initiationStates']['items'][-1]['steps'].index( { 'name': last_event_recorded_s3['name'], 'status': last_event_recorded_s3['status']  } )

    # Debug
    # print("Index of event is at: ", str(index_of_latest))
    # print("Slice Being written to DD: ", project_log_repl['log'][index_of_latest+1:])

    # For slice of data that does not exits in DD, write it to API
    for project_dr_event in project_log_repl['log'][index_of_latest+1:]:
        payload = create_replica_payload(project_log_repl['id'],project_log_repl['sourceProperties']['machineCloudId'],project_dr_event)

# Used if no logs exist for this project yet.  Writes all repl log events to log storage.
def put_all_events( project_log_repl):

    # Debug
    print ("Putting All Replica Events")

    # For all steos in project, post to log storage
    for step in project_log_repl['replicationInfo']['initiationStates']['items'][-1]['steps']:
        payload = create_replica_payload(project_log_repl['id'],project_log_repl['sourceProperties']['machineCloudId'],step)
        # print("New event to write to DD: " + json.dumps(payload, indent=2) )

    # Store very last event in S3
    last_event_to_store_in_s3 = create_replica_payload(project_log_repl['id'],project_log_repl['sourceProperties']['machineCloudId'],project_log_repl['replicationInfo']['initiationStates']['items'][-1]['steps'][-1])
    return last_event_to_store_in_s3

import json
import post_to_datadog
import os
import boto3

# Sends latest DR log events to Log storage.  Checks S3 objects for latest log written for current project
def send_latest_dr_events(project_log):

    # Get job id
    id = project_log['id']

    # S3 client
    s3_client = boto3.client('s3')

    # Perform Get on S3 Object, if it doesnt exist, return true
        response = s3_client.get_object(

        # If there is an object, turn it into a string
        last_event_recorded_s3 = json.loads(response['Body'].read())


        # If no S3 object exists, write all log events for this project to Log storage and to S3
        print('No DR events found for project, write all events')
        last_event_written_to_s3 = put_all_events(project_log)
        response = s3_client.put_object(
        return True

    # If S3 object exists, Compare S3 object's value to last event in project id
    # If same event value, move on.  If new, post to DD

    # Debug
    # print("Last Event In S3: " + json.dumps(last_event_recorded_s3, indent=2))

    # Convert last event in log to payload for S3 comparison
    last_event_in_log = create_dr_payload(project_log['id'], project_log['log'][-1] , project_log['participatingMachines'],project_log)

    # Debug
    # print("Last DR Event In Log: " + json.dumps(last_event_in_log, indent=2))

    # If last event recorded equals last event in project log, return, as nothing needs to be written
    if last_event_recorded_s3 == last_event_in_log:
        print("Last DR event already in DataDog")
        return False
        # Write new DR events if last event is not in S3
        last_dr_event_log = put_new_dr_events(last_event_recorded_s3,project_log)
        response = s3_client.put_object(
        return True

# Method writes all logs of current project to log storage - If S3 oject doesnt already exist
def put_all_events(project_log):

    # Loop through all events making payloads, then writing logs to DD
    for project_dr_event in project_log['log']:

        # Debug
        # print(json.dumps(project_dr_event,indent=2))

        # Create payload and post to DataDog
        payload = create_dr_payload(project_log['id'], project_dr_event, project_log['participatingMachines'],project_log)

    # Return last event as payload to store final log to s3
    final_payload = create_dr_payload(project_log['id'], project_log['log'][-1] , project_log['participatingMachines'],project_log)
    return final_payload

# Method to write only new events
def put_new_dr_events(last_event_recorded_s3, project_log):

    # Find the index of where last event is in current log list
    index_of_latest = project_log['log'].index( { 'logDateTime': last_event_recorded_s3['message']['Time'], 'message': last_event_recorded_s3['message']['CEMessage']  } )

    # Debug
    # print("Index of event is at: ", str(index_of_latest))
    # print("Slice Being written to DD: ", project_log['log'][index_of_latest+1:])

    # Use Slice to post new data to Log storage
    for project_dr_event in project_log['log'][index_of_latest+1:]:
        # Debug
        # print(json.dumps(project_dr_event,indent=2))
        payload = create_dr_payload(project_log['id'], project_dr_event, project_log['participatingMachines'],project_log)

    # Return last event as a payload to store into S3
    final_payload = create_dr_payload(project_log['id'], project_log['log'][-1], project_log['participatingMachines'],project_log)
    return final_payload

 # Function to create Distaster Recovery Playloas to be sent to DD
def create_dr_payload(job_id, project_dr_log_event, project_machines,project_log):
    payload= dict()
    payload['participatingMachines'] = project_machines
    payload['hostname'] = project_machines[0]
    payload['message']={'CE-JOB': job_id, 'STATUS': project_log['status'], 'Time': project_dr_log_event['logDateTime'], 'TYPE': 'RECOVERY_LAUNCH', 'origin': 'LambdaFunction', 'CEMessage': project_dr_log_event['message']}
    payload['ddtags'] = {'business_unit': 'managed services'}
    return payload

How the dashboard works in DataDog

This section includes screenshots of how the solution runs. First, launch a DR server in the CloudEndure console. After launching, you can see that the task fails. Log in to the CloudEndure console to see the job progress failure.

Job progress failure in the CloudEndure console

The DataDog dashboard shows the parsed failure message pulled from the CloudEndure console. It is using the Lambda function to pull this information.

DatDog dashboard, we see the parsed failure message from CloudEndure Disaster Recovery.

If you properly set up your DataDog automation alerts, you can extend notifications to email alerts. For more info on this, work with your DataDog administrator or contact Presidio to assist you with this feature.

CloudEndure notifications to your email

The CloudEndure Test Migration Dashboard outputs real-time monitoring of all of the servers protected by CloudEndure Disaster Recovery. All of this information is gathered using the Lambda functions,, and send_latest_dr_events on a regular CloudWatch event schedule.  The dashboard can provide useful information like job completion, replication completion, timestamps of jobs completed, lag on any servers, creation of resources such as subnets, and detailed reports of server status.

Presidio can create fully customizable dashboards for any data analytics platform. While this blog shows examples of dashboards within DataDog, the same concepts can be applied to any data analytics platform.

DataDog dashboard can output real-time monitoring of all servers CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is protecting


In this blog post, we demonstrated using AWS Lambda to capture, parse, and send CloudEndure Disaster Recovery events logs to DataDog for a single pane-of-glass dashboard view. This information is crucial for monitoring business SLAs and can be used to satisfy audit checks.

If there are other use cases or functions you may be interested in, please reach out to our AWS Partner Presidio who would be happy to help you create them.

Thanks for reading this blog on monitoring CloudEndure Disaster Recovery with AWS Lambda. If you have any comments or questions, please leave them in the comments section.

Ken Sze

Ken Sze

Based in the Boston area, Ken is a Solutions Architect on the AWS CloudEndure team. Ken joined AWS in 2019 as part of the CloudEndure acquisition. He has been working with customers for over 10 years as an IT professional, helping them design backup and disaster recovery solutions. Outside of work, he enjoys riding his motorcycle and finding good places to eat.

Jon Maichrye

Jon Maichrye

Jon Maichrye is a DevOps Engineer at Presidio. As a Kubernetes, Cloud, Serverless, and Machine Learning enthusiast, he enjoys thinking outside the box and keeping up with the latest technologies. With experience building CICD pipelines and automations, he is a big believer in automating everything to make engineers' lives easier. Jon holds 6 AWS Certifications, including both Professional certifications.