AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon Machine Learning

Evaluate, compare, and select the best foundation models for your use case in Amazon Bedrock (preview)

I’m happy to share that you can now evaluate, compare, and select the best foundation models (FMs) for your use case in Amazon Bedrock. Model Evaluation on Amazon Bedrock is available today in preview. Amazon Bedrock offers a choice of automatic evaluation and human evaluation. You can use automatic evaluation with predefined metrics such as […]

Amazon Titan Image Generator, Multimodal Embeddings, and Text models are now available in Amazon Bedrock

Today, we’re introducing two new Amazon Titan multimodal foundation models (FMs): Amazon Titan Image Generator (preview) and Amazon Titan Multimodal Embeddings. I’m also happy to share that Amazon Titan Text Lite and Amazon Titan Text Express are now generally available in Amazon Bedrock. You can now choose from three available Amazon Titan Text FMs, including […]

Amazon Bedrock now provides access to Anthropic’s latest model, Claude 2.1

Today, we’re announcing the availability of Anthropic’s Claude 2.1 foundation model (FM) in Amazon Bedrock. Last week, Anthropic introduced its latest model, Claude 2.1, delivering key capabilities for enterprises such as an industry-leading 200,000 token context window (2x the context of Claude 2.0), reduced rates of hallucination, improved accuracy over long documents, system prompts, and […]

New generative AI features in Amazon Connect, including Amazon Q, facilitate improved contact center service

If you manage a contact center, then you know the critical role that agents play in helping your organization build customer trust and loyalty. Those of us who’ve reached out to a contact center know how important agents are with guiding through complex decisions and providing fast and accurate solutions where needed. This can take […]

New Amazon Q in QuickSight uses generative AI assistance for quicker, easier data insights (preview)

Today, I’m happy to share that Amazon Q in QuickSight is available for preview. Now you can experience the Generative BI capabilities in Amazon QuickSight announced on July 26, as well as two additional capabilities for business users. Turning insights into impact faster with Amazon Q in QuickSight With this announcement, business users can now […]

Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock helps implement safeguards customized to your use cases and responsible AI policies (preview)

As part of your responsible artificial intelligence (AI) strategy, you can now use Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock (preview) to promote safe interactions between users and your generative AI applications by implementing safeguards customized to your use cases and responsible AI policies. AWS is committed to developing generative AI in a responsible, people-centric way by focusing […]

Agents for Amazon Bedrock is now available with improved control of orchestration and visibility into reasoning

Back in July, we introduced Agents for Amazon Bedrock in preview. Today, Agents for Amazon Bedrock is generally available. Agents for Amazon Bedrock helps you accelerate generative artificial intelligence (AI) application development by orchestrating multistep tasks. Agents uses the reasoning capability of foundation models (FMs) to break down user-requested tasks into multiple steps. They use […]

Customize models in Amazon Bedrock with your own data using fine-tuning and continued pre-training

Today, I’m excited to share that you can now privately and securely customize foundation models (FMs) with your own data in Amazon Bedrock to build applications that are specific to your domain, organization, and use case. With custom models, you can create unique user experiences that reflect your company’s style, voice, and services. With fine-tuning, […]