AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon SageMaker JumpStart


Announcing Llama 3.1 405B, 70B, and 8B models from Meta in Amazon Bedrock

The Llama 3.1 models are a collection of 8B, 70B, and 405B parameter size multilingual models that demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of industry benchmarks, offering new capabilities for your generative AI applications.

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup: Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus in Amazon Bedrock, Meta Llama 3 in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, and more (April 22, 2024)

AWS Summits continue to rock the world, with events taking place in various locations around the globe. AWS Summit London (April 24) is the last one in April, and there are nine more in May, including AWS Summit Berlin (May 15–16), AWS Summit Los Angeles (May 22), and AWS Summit Dubai (May 29). Join us […]

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup: AWS Chips Taste Test, generative AI updates, Community Days, and more (April 1, 2024)

Today is April Fool’s Day. About 10 years ago, some tech companies would joke about an idea that was thought to be fun and unfeasible on April 1st, to the delight of readers. Jeff Barr has also posted seemingly far-fetched ideas on this blog in the past, and some of these have surprisingly come true! […]

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup: AWS Control Tower, Amazon Bedrock, Amazon OpenSearch Service, and More (October 9, 2023)

As the Northern Hemisphere enjoys early fall and pumpkins take over the local farmers markets and coffee flavors here in the United States, we’re also just 50 days away from re:Invent 2023! But before we officially enter pre:Invent sea­­son, let’s have a look at some of last week’s exciting news and announcements. Last Week’s Launches […]

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

New – Share ML Models and Notebooks More Easily Within Your Organization with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is a machine learning (ML) hub that can help you accelerate your ML journey. SageMaker JumpStart gives you access to built-in algorithms with pre-trained models from popular model hubs, pre-trained foundation models to help you perform tasks such as article summarization and image generation, and end-to-end solutions to solve common use cases. […]

AWS Week in Review – November 14, 2022

It’s now just two weeks to AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas, and the pace is picking up, both here on the News Blog, and throughout AWS as everyone get ready for the big event! I hope you get the chance to join us, and have shared links and other information at the bottom of this […]

AWS Week In Review - June 6, 2022

AWS Week In Review – June 6, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! I’ve just come back from a long (extended) holiday weekend here in the US and I’m still catching up on all the AWS launches that happened this past week. I’m […]