AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon Machine Learning

AWS Week in Review – AWS Documentation Updates, Amazon EventBridge is Faster, and More – May 22, 2023

Here are your AWS updates from the previous 7 days. Last week I was in Turin, Italy for CloudConf, a conference I’ve had the pleasure to participate in for the last 10 years. AWS Hero Anahit Pogosova was also there sharing a few serverless tips in front of a full house. Here’s a picture I […]

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Amazon CodeWhisperer, Free for Individual Use, is Now Generally Available

Today, Amazon CodeWhisperer, a real-time AI coding companion, is generally available and also includes a CodeWhisperer Individual tier that’s free to use for all developers. Originally launched in preview last year, CodeWhisperer keeps developers in the zone and productive, helping them write code quickly and securely and without needing to break their flow by leaving […]

New – Ready-to-use Models and Support for Custom Text and Image Classification Models in Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Today AWS announces new features in Amazon SageMaker Canvas that help business analysts generate insights from thousands of documents, images, and lines of text in minutes with machine learning (ML). Starting today, you can access ready-to-use models and create custom text and image classification models alongside previously supported custom models for tabular data, all without […]

AWS Machine Learning University New Educator Enablement Program to Build Diverse Talent for ML/AI Jobs

AWS Machine Learning University is now providing a free educator enablement program. This program provides faculty at community colleges, minority-serving institutions (MSIs), and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) with the skills and resources to teach data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) concepts to build a diverse pipeline for in-demand jobs of […]

Introducing Amazon Omics – A Purpose-Built Service to Store, Query, and Analyze Genomic and Biological Data at Scale

You might learn in high school biology class that the human genome is composed of over three billion letters of code using adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) paired in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The human genome acts as the biological blueprint of every human cell. And that’s only the foundation for […]

AWS Week in Review – November 21, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! A new week starts, and the News Blog team is getting ready for AWS re:Invent! Many of us will be there next week and it would be great to meet […]

How Grillo Built a Low-Cost Earthquake Early Warning System on AWS

It is estimated that 50 percent of the injuries caused when a high magnitude earthquake affects an area are because of falls or falling hazards. This means that most of these injuries could have been prevented if the population had a few seconds of warning to take cover. Grillo, a social impact enterprise focused on seismology, […]