AWS Contact Center

Frost Radar™ recognizes AWS as a 2024 Leader for Contact Center as a Service in APAC and EMEA

In the 2024 Frost Radar™ reports for the Asia-Pacific (APAC) and Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) regions, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is recognized as a leader in the contact center-as-a-service (CCaaS) market. The reports highlight the continuous innovation and growth of Amazon Connect in this space.

Both reports highlight the cloud-native architecture, advanced capabilities, and globally redundant and scalable telephony network of Amazon Connect as key factors that have allowed the solution to capitalize on evolving market trends and successfully grow in these regions.

Frost Radar™ in APAC

The APAC Frost RadarTM report calls out our relentless focus on enhancing Amazon Connect with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP). Our customer-centric innovation approach was also highlighted, noting that 95% of new Amazon Connect features are driven by direct customer feedback.

Director of Information and Communication Technologies in Asia-Pacific at Frost & Sullivan, Krishna Baidya, says “AWS leads Asia-Pacific’s cloud contact center market with the AI-powered innovations of Amazon Connect. Its customer-centric approach and tailored industry solutions cement AWS as a digital transformation partner.”

In the APAC region, the cloud-native architecture of Amazon Connect and seamless integration with the broader AWS ecosystem have been instrumental in its growth across the region. The out-of-the-box features of Amazon Connect, such as conversational AI for self-service, real-time sentiment analysis, and real-time caller authentication, have helped business innovate and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

To learn more, download a complimentary copy of the APAC report.

Frost Radar™ in EMEA

AWS is also a Leader in the EMEA Frost Radar report, which highlights our growth in the region. It calls out the Amazon Connect industry-focused strategy, tailoring solutions to financial services, travel and hospitality, power and utilities, e-commerce, and other verticals. This resonates well with businesses seeking agility, flexibility, and scalability in their contact center operations.

Industry Principal at Frost & Sullivan and lead author of the EMEA Frost Radar™, Bernie Arnason, shares, “AWS is identified as one of the top leaders in Growth and Innovation in the 2024 Frost Radar™ for the Cloud Contact Centers Market in EMEA. This recognition underscores the outperforming growth of AWS’s cloud contact center solution, Amazon Connect, across the region and the notable launches of cutting-edge generative AI-powered features for agent and supervisor assist.”

The report notes the flexibility of the Amazon Connect pay-as-you-go pricing model, where customers only pay for what they use, and also lauds tight integration with other AWS services. The multipronged go-to-market strategy, involving direct and indirect sales channels, and a robust partner network, has also contributed to Amazon Connect growth in EMEA.

To learn more, download a complimentary copy of the EMEA report.

 Overall, the Frost Radar™ reports dive deep into the innovation and growth axes that form the foundation of this analysis, the results of which solidify AWS, and Amazon Connect, as a leader in the CCaaS market. This placement underscores our commitment to relentless innovation, and customer-centricity in the APAC and EMEA regions.

Today, Amazon Connect customers across industries use Amazon Connect in the EMEA and APAC regions to deliver better customer experiences.