AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: AWS SDK for Java

Client-Side Metrics for the AWS SDK for Java v2 is now generally available

We are excited to announce the general availability (GA) of the client-side metrics module for the AWS SDK for Java v2. On July 7th, 2020, we announced a preview release of client-side metrics. With release version 2.14.0 of the SDK, client-side metrics can now be used in production environments. Client-side metrics enable you to collect […]

Using the New Client-Side Metrics feature in the AWS SDK for Java v2

We are pleased to announce the preview release of the metrics module for AWS SDK for Java v2! The metrics module enables you to collect and publish key performance metrics recorded automatically by the SDK as you use it. These metrics will help you detect and diagnose issues in your applications like increased API call […]

Provision AWS infrastructure using Terraform (By HashiCorp): an example of web application logging customer data

Many web and mobile applications can make use of AWS services and infrastructure to log or ingest data from customer actions and behaviors on the websites or mobile apps, to provide recommendations for better user experience. There are several ‘infrastructure as code’ frameworks available today, to help customers define their infrastructure, such as the AWS […]

Introducing enhanced DynamoDB client in the AWS SDK for Java v2

We are pleased to announce the release of the enhanced DynamoDB client as a new module of the AWS SDK for Java 2.0. This enhanced DynamoDB module provides a more idiomatic code authoring experience. You can now integrate applications with Amazon DynamoDB using an adaptive API that allows you to execute database operations directly with […]

Bootstrapping a Java Lambda application with minimal AWS Java SDK startup time using Maven

We’re excited to share a new Maven Archetype for Java Lambda applications that we released recently and show you how to start building Java Lambda applications quickly, using this archetype. With the new archetype, customers can easily bootstrap a Java Lambda project configured with the AWS SDK for Java 2.x as a dependency and SAM […]

Consumer Builders in the AWS SDK for Java v2

The AWS SDK for Java v2 introduced immutable models which in turn necessitated using a builder to create request/response objects. Builders are a common pattern for working with immutable objects, they allow building up the state of an object over time and then calling build to create an immutable representation of the object. They also […]

The AWS SDK for Java will no longer support Java 6

The AWS SDK for Java currently maintains two major versions: 1.11.x and 2.x. Customers on Java 8 or newer may use either 2.x or 1.11.x, and customers on Java 6 or newer may use 1.11.x. Free updates to the Java 6 virtual machine (JVM) were stopped by Oracle on April 2013. Users that don’t pay […]

Automated Performance Regression Detection in the AWS SDK for Java 2.0

We are happy to share that we’ve added automated performance regression tests to the AWS SDK for Java 2.0. With this benchmark harness, every change to the SDK will be tested for performance before release, to avoid potential performance regressions. We understand that performance is critical to our customers and we’ve prioritized improving various performance […]

AWS Toolkit for IntelliJ – Now generally available

Last year at re:Invent we told you that we were working on the AWS Toolkit for IntelliJ. Since then, the toolkit has been in active development on GitHub. I’m happy to share that the AWS Toolkit for IntelliJ is now generally available! The toolkit provides an integrated experience for developing serverless applications. For example, you […]