AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Working with dependency injection in .NET Standard: inject your AWS clients – part 2

In part 1 of this blog post, we explored using the lightweight dependency injection (DI) provided by Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. By itself, this is great for libraries and small programs, but if you’re building a nontrivial application, you have other problems to contend with: You might have complex configuration needs (development versus production, multiple sources, etc.) How […]

Working with dependency injection in .NET Standard: inject your AWS clients – part 1

Dependency injection (DI) is a central part of any nontrivial application today. .NET has libraries like Ninject for implementing inversion of control (IOC) in their development and, as of .NET Core 1.0 (specifically, .NET Standard 1.1), lightweight DI can be provided by Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. This was used primarily in the context of developing .NET Core web applications, but it can be […]

DateTime serialization changes in the AWS SDK for .NET and AWSPowerShell modules

Summary: This blog post describes best practices for using DateTime values in distributed .NET programming. It also highlights some of the recent, related changes in the AWS SDK for .NET and the AWSPowerShell modules. Today, it’s increasingly common to write code that interacts with external systems, and it’s very likely that these systems won’t share the […]

Creating a PowerShell REST API

With the recent AWS Lambda support for PowerShell, it’s now easy to make web APIs with Amazon API Gateway that execute your PowerShell scripts. In the previous blog post, we showed how to deploy PowerShell-based Lambda functions with AWS CloudFormation. We are going to reuse that technique in this post because using AWS CloudFormation is […]

Upgrade AWS SDK for .NET for latest TLS Protocols

If your application is using .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.5 you should update to version or later of AWSSDK.Core. This ensures you are using the latest HTTPS protocols and can communicate with newer AWS services. Background A growing trend across the internet is for HTTPS services to only accept connections using newer encryption protocols […]

Deploying PowerShell-based Lambda with AWS CloudFormation

We recently announced AWS Lambda support for PowerShell. In our initial blog post, we showed how you can use the new AWSLambdaPSCore module to deploy PowerShell scripts to Lambda. In this blog post, we talk about how you can integrate PowerShell-based Lambda functions with AWS CloudFormation. It’s common to want to deploy a collection of […]


AWS CDK for .NET The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) Developer Preview now has support for .NET! The AWS CDK is a software development framework to define cloud infrastructure as code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. This provides familiarity, IDE and tools support, and flexibility that are unavailable when using static text definitions. […]

Announcing Lambda Support for PowerShell Core

Today we are excited to release support for PowerShell Core 6.0 with AWS Lambda. This new feature enables you to execute PowerShell scripts or functions in response to any Lambda event, such as an Amazon S3 event or Amazon CloudWatch scheduled event. Setting up a development environment Before we get started developing PowerShell based Lambda […]

.NET Core Global Tools for AWS

One of the exciting new features in .NET Core 2.1 are Global Tools. Global Tools provide the ability to distribute command line tools via a NuGet package and install them with the dotnet command line. Before Global Tools were released, .NET Core had the concept of project tools, which were tied to a specific project […]

.NET Core Lambda Deployment task enhancements in the AWS Tools for VSTS

In the recent version 1.1 update of the AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), we added some enhancements to the AWS .NET Core Lambda Deployment task. These enhancements are based on user feedback requesting help with CI/CD scenarios, where users wanted their builds to package their AWS Lambda functions or serverless applications, […]