AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: AWS Systems Manager

Run an Active-Passive, multi region API using Aurora RDS Global Cluster

Increasingly enterprises and customers run and manage applications at a global scale that need to be resilient and highly available. In order to deliver the best possible experience to their end consumers, these applications need to safeguard against risks of service disruptions and downtime. Risks due to service downtime, due to natural disasters, hardware failures, […]

Build and Deploy a Microsoft .NET Core Web API application to AWS App Runner using CloudFormation

In this blog we show you how to build a Microsoft.NET Web API application with Amazon Aurora Database using AWS App Runner. AWS App Runner makes it easy for developers to quickly deploy containerized web applications and APIs, and helps us start with our source code or a container image. Container workload management tasks, such […]

Query Systems Manager Parameter Store for AWS Regions, endpoints and more using PowerShell

In Jeff Barr’s recent blog post, he announced support for querying AWS Region and service availability programmatically by using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. The examples in the blog post all used the AWS CLI, but the post noted that you can also use the AWS Tools for PowerShell. In this post I’ll show you […]

.NET Core configuration provider for AWS Systems Manager

Today, we released a new NuGet package, Amazon.Extensions.Configuration.SystemsManager. This NuGet package simplifies how your application loads the application configuration settings in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store into the .NET Core configuration system. Configuration in .NET Core is quite different from what we’re used to in the .NET Framework. With the .NET Framework, we had […]

AWS SSM ASP.NET Core Data Protection Provider

The antiforgery framework is a critical part of ASP.NET Core. It ensures web forms and login pages haven’t been tampered with by storing crypto data with the form and then validating the form with a key created by the Data Protection framework. An ASP.NET Core Data Protection Provider is the building block that provides encryption […]