AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Programing Language

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio adds support for Arm64 Visual Studio

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio adds support for Arm64 Visual Studio

We are thrilled to announce that the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio is now generally available on the Arm64 version of Visual Studio (aka “Arm64 Visual Studio”). This release enables a Visual Studio user on a native Windows Arm64 device or on a device emulating Windows Arm64 on a M class Apple device to leverage […]

Introducing Smithy for Python

Introducing Smithy for Python

AWS is excited to announce a preview of Smithy client generation for Python. This tooling will enable developers to generate clients in type-hinted Python in the same model-driven manner that AWS has used to develop its services for more than a decade. Writing and maintaining hand-written clients for a web service is both time-consuming and […]

New: Improved flexibility when configuring endpoint URLs with the AWS SDKs and tools

The AWS SDKs and Tools team is excited to announce improvements for configuration of the endpoint URL used for API service requests through the shared SDK configuration file and environment variables with the AWS SDKs and Tools. Previously, you could specify the endpoint URL used for AWS requests by setting the –endpoint-url command line parameter […]

.NET Lambda Annotations Framework is now generally available

We are happy to announce the general availability of the Lambda Annotations Framework for .NET. This new programming model makes the experience of writing Lambda in C# feel more natural for .NET developers by using C# Source Generators. In this post we’ll show how to use framework to simplifying writing .NET Lambda functions that are […]

Introducing the AWS .NET Distributed Cache Provider for DynamoDB (Preview)

We are happy to announce the preview release of the AWS .NET Distributed Cache Provider for DynamoDB. This library enables Amazon DynamoDB to be used as the storage for ASP.NET Core’s distributed cache framework. A cache can improve the performance of an application; an external cache allows the data to be shared across application servers […]

Configuring .NET Garbage Collection for Amazon ECS and AWS Lambda

.NET developers rely on .NET’s automatic memory allocation and garbage collection (GC) mechanisms to handle the memory needs of their applications. For most use cases GC isn’t something developers need to worry about. However, in modern architectures where .NET applications are running in memory constrained environments, like containers and AWS Lambda functions, the GC might […]

Introducing a new client in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x for retrieving EC2 Instance Metadata

You can now use AWS SDK for Java 2.x to easily retrieve instance metadata for an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance! We are pleased to announce the general availability of new Java SDK EC2 Instance Metadata Clients in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x (version 2.19.29 or later). You can use this new […]

Run an Active-Passive, multi region API using Aurora RDS Global Cluster

Increasingly enterprises and customers run and manage applications at a global scale that need to be resilient and highly available. In order to deliver the best possible experience to their end consumers, these applications need to safeguard against risks of service disruptions and downtime. Risks due to service downtime, due to natural disasters, hardware failures, […]

Announcing availability of the AWS CRT HTTP Client in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x

We are excited to announce the general availability (GA) of the AWS Common Runtime (CRT) HTTP Client in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x. With release version 2.20.0 of the SDK, the AWS CRT HTTP Client can now be used in production environments. The AWS CRT HTTP Client is an asynchronous, non-blocking HTTP client that […]

Introducing CRT-based S3 Client and the S3 Transfer Manager in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x

We are excited to announce the general availability of two new features in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x that enable accelerated object transfer with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3): An AWS Common Runtime (CRT)-based S3 SDK client, and the S3 Transfer Manager. The CRT-based S3 client allows you to transfer objects to and […]