Category: AWS ParallelCluster

44-Qubit quantum circuits simulated using AWS ParallelCluster 

Simulating 44-Qubit quantum circuits using AWS ParallelCluster

A key part of the development of quantum hardware and quantum algorithms is simulation using existing classical architectures and HPC techniques. In this blog post, we describe how to perform large-scale quantum circuits simulations using AWS ParallelCluster with QuEST, the Quantum Exact Simulation Toolkit. We demonstrate a simple and rapid deployment of computational resources up to 4,096 compute instances to simulate random quantum circuits with up to 44 qubits. We were able to allocate as many as 4096 EC2 instances of c5.18xlarge to simulate a non-trivial 44 qubit quantum circuit in fewer than 3.5 hours.

Running large-scale CFD fire simulations on AWS for

In this blog post, we discuss the AWS solution that Amazon’s construction division used to conduct large-scale CFD fire simulations as part of their Fire Strategy solutions to demonstrate safety and fire mitigation strategies. We outline the five key steps taken that resulted in simulation times that were 15-20x faster than previous on-premises architectures, reducing the time to complete from up to twenty-one days to less than one day.

Expanded filesystems support in AWS ParallelCluster 3.2

Expanded filesystems support in AWS ParallelCluster 3.2

AWS ParallelCluster version 3.2 introduces support for two new Amazon FSx filesystem types (NetApp ONTAP and OpenZFS). It also lifts the limit on the number of filesystem mounts you can have on your cluster. We’ll show you how, and help you with the details for getting this going right away.