AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Learning Levels

Best practices to optimize costs after mergers and acquisitions with AWS Organizations

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) offer organizations the opportunity to scale operations, diversify product lines, and capture new markets. However, they come with a set of challenges, such as the nuances of integrating legacy IT systems, complying with stringent regulations, and maintaining business continuity, etc. Eliminating the redundancy of resources and optimizing processes to bring consistency […]

Identify AWS resources at risk across your multi-account environment with AWS Organizations integrations

Identify AWS resources at risk across your multi-account environment with AWS Organizations integrations

With numerous AWS accounts in an organization, receiving an external security finding like a vulnerability assessment or pen test report impacting multiple resources can be challenging. Without a centralized resource viewing and search capability, identifying the affected resources require switching and inspecting each account individually, which is time-consuming and inefficient. Security vulnerabilities are time-sensitive, and […]

Gain Insights with Natural Language Query into your AWS environment using Amazon CloudTrail and Amazon Q in QuickSight

AWS CloudTrail tracks user and API activities across your AWS environments for governance and auditing purposes. Large enterprises typically use multiple AWS accounts, and many of those accounts might need access to a data lake managed by a single AWS account. By using Lake Formation integration with CloudTrail Lake, you can securely aggregate the data […]

Unlocking Insights: Turning Application Logs into Actionable Metrics

Modern software development teams understand the importance of observability as a critical aspect of building reliable and resilient applications. By implementing observability practices, software teams can proactively identify issues, uncover performance bottlenecks, and enhance system reliability. However, it is a fairly recent trend and still lacks industry-wide adoption. As organizations standardize on containers, they often […]

How SMBs can deploy a multi-account environment quickly using AWS Organizations and AWS CloudFormation StackSets

Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) need to operate with high availability and mitigate security risks while keeping costs low. An AWS multi-account environment with workload isolation, robust access control, cost visualization, and integrated security mechanisms can help SMBs build a platform to support growth. SMBs want to deploy a multi-account environment on AWS quickly and […]

KPIs – Enterprise Journey from Technology to Business

As discussed in this blog post, AWS sees organizations with well-defined, tracked and aligned business key performance indicators (KPIs) thrive in their cloud transformation journey. However, it is a challenge to define and track these KPIs. Even when organizations align to track outcomes and there is value in doing so, some encounter difficulties focusing on […]

Automating Alerts for AWS Global Network Performance

Have your applications hosted on AWS ever experienced inter-Region or inter-Availability Zone (AZ) latency and you wanted to be proactively notified on these latency changes? This blog post describes an automated mechanism to set up those alarms. AWS has introduced the ability to understand the performance of the AWS Global Network by introducing Infrastructure Performance, […]

Selecting your first workloads to migrate your organization to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Introduction Selecting your first workloads to migrate your organization to AWS is a key stage in delivering a successful migration. In this blog post we provide guidance on how to select early migration candidates. We cover how selecting these candidates can help to kick-off a successful migration, reduce risk, and build skills inside your organization. […]

How to Skip Testing and Finalize Cutover in the AWS Application Migration Service

How to Skip Testing and Finalize Cutover in the AWS Application Migration Service

Introduction The purpose of this blog post is to show the steps on how to change the lifecycle status of a source server from “Ready for testing” to “Ready for cutover” to bypass the testing steps when using the AWS Application Migration Service (MGN). This approach can be used for specific scenarios where you want […]

Measure Transformation through the Cloud Adoption Lens

Measure Transformation through the Cloud Adoption lens

Introduction Business and technology teams often measure Digital Transformation and use a financial metric as the yardstick of success. This is an output focused approach, for example – if you migrate applications as-is to the cloud and reduce costs, businesses will approve more similar migrations. However, organizations need to take a comprehensive approach and include […]