AWS Smart Business Blog

Reimagining the Customer Experience with Real-Time AI-Powered Solutions

In today’s fast-paced digital world, customers have more choices than ever before. This abundance of options means small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) must work smarter—not just harder—to attract and retain their clientele. Many SMBs struggle with providing consistent, high-quality customer service due to limited resources, high staff turnover, and the challenge of managing unpredictable call volumes. They often face difficulties in scaling their support operations, maintaining 24/7 availability, and efficiently handling multi-channel communications. Additionally, the costs associated with training and maintaining a skilled customer service team can be prohibitive for smaller organizations.

AI is revolutionizing customer service, offering unprecedented opportunities for addressing these pain points, improving customer experience, while significantly reducing costs. As we dive into how AI in contact centers is reshaping the industry, we’ll also explore the powerful Amazon Web Services (AWS) solutions facilitating this transformation, enabling SMBs to compete more effectively with larger enterprises in delivering exceptional customer service.

The current customer experience landscape

Imagine a world where customer queries are resolved instantly, 24/7, without a moment’s wait. This isn’t a far-off future—it’s the reality that AI is bringing to customer service today. The numbers tell a compelling story: Gartner forecasts a staggering US$80 billion reduction in agent labor costs by 2026, highlighting the immense cost-saving potential of AI in customer service. Furthermore, in that same forecast, Gartner projects that 10 percent of agent interactions will soon be fully automated, up from a mere 1.6 percent today.

But it’s not just about full automation. The same Gartner study suggests that even partial automation, such as AI-assisted information gathering, can cut interaction times by up to 33 percent for human agents. Considering that labor often accounts for 95 percent of contact center costs, the potential for savings becomes crystal clear. These aren’t just statistics—they’re a clarion call for businesses to embrace AI-driven solutions or risk being left behind.

Enhancing customer experience with AI

The true power of AI in customer service goes far beyond cost-cutting. It’s about creating experiences that delight customers and give them a positive perception of the business. Here are several of the key ways that AI is already elevating the customer experience today for businesses of any size:

  • 24/7 availability: AI-powered chatbots provide around-the-clock service, eliminating wait times, especially during off hours.
  • Faster query resolution: AI can quickly and consistently resolve customer queries, significantly reducing Average Handling Time (AHT). With AI-powered chatbots, the number of questions and actions that can be handled are far greater than chatbots of the past.
  • Personalized interactions: AI uses customer information to create more relevant and engaging conversations.
  • Omnichannel support: AI facilitates seamless interactions across various channels, including voice and digital platforms, ensuring a cohesive customer journey. AI can integrate with underlying customer resource management (CRM) platforms, automatically saving customer conversations and even providing automated summaries for future human operators to view.

As AI matures, the list of benefits will only continue to grow, and AWS strives to continuously democratize accessibility for SMBs to access and adopt AI solutions.

Overcoming challenges in AI implementation

While the benefits of AI are compelling, there are reasons why businesses have not yet implemented it. Here are the primary challenges that SMBs face today when implementing AI:

  • Technical complexity: Implementing AI requires specialized skills in data science, machine learning concepts, and advanced programing, and infrastructure management.
  • Initial investment: There are substantial upfront costs and ongoing expenses for support and maintenance of AI.
  • Long deployment times: Complex, large-scale AI systems can take years to fully deploy and optimize.

But despite these major challenges, here’s the good news: AWS offers a range of managed services designed to simplify the implementation and maintenance of AI solutions, significantly reducing the technical burden on organizations, particularly those in the SMB space.

AWS and Inmetrics: redefining customer experience through AI innovation

Inmetrics, a leader in Quality Engineering, exemplifies the transformative power of AI in enhancing customer experience. By leveraging AWS’s AI-powered services, specifically, Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker, Inmetrics developed Liev—an innovative AI solution accelerator that’s redefining industry standards. Here’s a quick look at how Inmetrics harnessed AI on AWS to drive remarkable improvements:

  • 30 percent increase in call center efficiency
  • 93 percent reduction in contract analysis effort
  • 300 percent increase in team productivity
  • Document analysis time reduced from 30 minutes to under one-minute
  • Completed 20 generative AI projects in just a few months

Inmetrics’ success with AWS AI services demonstrates the transformative power of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing customer experience. This case study serves as a blueprint for businesses looking to leverage AI-driven solutions, showing how they can achieve substantial gains in customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and competitive advantage in today’s digital-first marketplace.

Revolutionizing customer experience with AWS AI-powered solutions

AWS offers a comprehensive suite of AI services that empower businesses of all sizes to transform their customer support without having to spend significant time and resources developing in-house tools and infrastructure. Let’s explore how these cutting-edge AWS tools can elevate your customer experience:

Amazon Connect is a cloud-based contact center solution designed for voice and chat customer engagement. It leverages Amazon’s customer service expertise and integrates AWS AI services, enabling businesses to enhance customer interactions and streamline support operations while reducing costs.

Key AI features of Amazon Connect:

  • Amazon Q in Connect: AI assistant that supports agents by understanding customer inquiries, retrieving relevant information, and recommending appropriate actions during calls.
  • Amazon Connect Contact Lens: AI-powered real-time analytics and quality management tool that helps supervisors monitor call center performance and improve customer interactions.
  • Amazon Lex: Integrates with Amazon Connect to provide automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU), enabling intelligent self-service options for customers before reaching a human agent.
  • Amazon Connect Customer Profiles: Uses AI to analyze and combine data from various sources, creating comprehensive customer profiles for more personalized and efficient customer service.

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service offering various high-performing foundation models (FMs) through a single API, along with tools to build generative AI applications securely and responsibly. For contact centers, Amazon Bedrock allows easy experimentation with different AI models to enhance customer interactions, customize responses based on company data, and create AI agents that can access enterprise systems to resolve customer issues more effectively. It’s serverless, eliminating infrastructure management needs, and integrates seamlessly with other AWS services commonly used in call center operations.

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning service that simplifies the entire ML workflow for contact centers, from data preparation to model deployment. It enables businesses to build and implement custom AI/ML models to enhance various aspects of customer service, such as predicting customer needs, automating routine inquiries, and optimizing agent performance. While offering similar benefits to Amazon Bedrock, SageMaker provides greater flexibility for creating specialized AI solutions tailored to unique call center requirements.

AI is rapidly becoming essential for competitive customer service, empowering businesses of all sizes to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and operational efficiency. This allows for greater investment in innovation, enhancing the customer experience and enabling SMBs to compete more effectively with larger enterprises. AWS’s comprehensive suite of AI services offers a perfect starting point for businesses at any technological level to transform their customer experience strategy, providing the tools to make AI-powered customer service a reality.

Learn more at the Smart Business Hub or if you’re ready to get started, contact us – we’re here to help.

Brian Clark

Brian Clark

Brian Clark is an Associate Solutions Architect at AWS, based in Virginia (US). In this role, he applies his extensive knowledge of IT-related fields to design, implement, and support solutions for a wide range of customers. Prior to joining AWS, Brian was a Technical Support Representative for VERISIGN, where he was responsible for identifying customer issues and delivering results according to their needs.

Esther Kang

Esther Kang

Esther Kang is an Associate Solutions Architect at AWS, based in Virginia (US). Prior to joining AWS, Esther studied at the University of Maryland, where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Sciences. During her studies, she honed her database design and programming skills, which she now uses in her role at AWS.

Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang is a Solutions Architect at AWS. In this role, he works with customers to provide cloud solutions that helps them meet their technical and business goals. He is based in Seattle (US) and holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Health, Biostatistics, and Computer Science from the University of North Carolina.