AWS Database Blog

Monitor query plans for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

As we continue to innovate and add new features on behalf of our customers, you can now maintain and manage query plans in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition. This feature enables you to identify the query plans contributing to the current database load and track the performance statistics of query plans over time.

In this post, we demonstrate how you can monitor query plans to maintain optimal database performance, and discuss some key use cases of the monitoring query plan feature.

Efficient query planning is a crucial part of database performance, so we have added features such as Amazon RDS Performance Insights support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, which provides database monitoring capabilities, and Aurora PostgreSQL query plan management, which provides plan stability and plan adaptability to maintain optimal database performance.

Solution overview

Monitoring query plans is currently available with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL version 14.10, 15.5, and higher versions. On the supported versions, this feature is disabled by default and is controlled by the parameter aurora_compute_plan_id with a default value of 0 (OFF). You can enable it by setting aurora_compute_plan_id to 1 (ON) in the parameter group. Additionally, pg_stat_statements must be in shared_preload_libraries for the plans to be tracked.

Before we explore the new views, it’s important to understand what a plan identifier is. Separate from a query identifier, a plan identifier is made up of the sql_hash and a hash of the plan. This provides unique insights into how a query is run.

You can use the following functions to access and monitor query plans:

  • aurora_stat_activity – Shows information related to the current activity of a process, including a plan identifier of the running query
  • aurora_stat_plans – Returns query plans and other important statistics for the query identifier

For a comprehensive understanding of these functions and their usage, refer to Aurora PostgreSQL functions reference.

You can monitor the query plans using the different parameters in a DB parameter group. For more information, see Parameter reference for Aurora PostgreSQL query execution plans.


To follow along with this post, complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Create an Aurora PostgreSQL cluster if you don’t already have one. For instructions, refer to Create an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster.
  2. Create an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance to install the PostgreSQL client to access the Aurora PostgreSQL instance. For instructions, refer to Create your EC2 resources and launch your EC2 instance. Or you can set up connectivity between your RDS database and EC2 compute instance in one click.
  3. On Amazon Linux 2023, use the following command to download the psql command line tool to run all the SQL statements:
    sudo dnf install postgresql15-client

Monitor query plans

Let’s dive deeper into the process of monitoring query plans with Aurora PostgreSQL. The following is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to help you understand it better:

  1. Make sure pg_stat_statements is in shared_preload_libraries for the plans to be tracked. To verify that pg_stat_statements is initialized, run the following command:
    pg155db=> SELECT setting ~ 'pg_stat_statements'
     FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings
     WHERE name = 'shared_preload_libraries';

    If pg_stat_statements is in shared_preload_libraries, the command will return the following:

  2. Check that the aurora_compute_plan_id parameter setting is set to ON, which is OFF the default. You can see it in your cluster parameter group:
    show aurora_compute_plan_id;

    The result should display on in the output:

    pg155db=> show aurora_compute_plan_id;
    (1 row)
  3. Verify that aurora_stat_plans.with_costs and aurora_stat_plans.with_timing parameters are set to ON with the following query:
    pg155db=> select name, setting from pg_settings where name='aurora_compute_plan_id' or name like 'aurora_stat_plans%';
                       name                    | setting
     aurora_compute_plan_id                    | on
     aurora_stat_plans.calls_until_recapture   | 0
     aurora_stat_plans.minutes_until_recapture | 0
     aurora_stat_plans.with_analyze            | off
     aurora_stat_plans.with_buffers            | off
     aurora_stat_plans.with_costs              | on
     aurora_stat_plans.with_timing             | on
     aurora_stat_plans.with_triggers           | off
     aurora_stat_plans.with_wal                | off
    (9 rows)
  4. Turn on the required aurora_stat_plans.with* parameters in your cluster parameter group.
  5. Use pgbench to seed some sample data. For this post, initialize pgbench with a scale factor 10. You can use following command to create pgbench tables and load the data:
    pgbench -i -h <cluster endpoint> -d <database> -s 10
  6. Run a TCP-B test with pgbench for 120 seconds in 64 parallel sessions:
    pgbench -h --protocol=simple -P 30 --time=120 --client=64 --jobs=16 -b tpcb-like pg155db > results_apg_plans.out
  7. During the pgbench run, check aurora_stat_activity in another session using the following query:
        substr(query, 1, 20)
        aurora_stat_activity ()
        state = 'active'
        AND pid <> pg_backend_pid()
        substr(query, 1, 20)
        4 DESC;

    It gives the following result:

    count |       query_id       |   plan_id   |                    substr
        16 | -1978808372860228080 | -1987991358 | UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalanc
        21 | -3571162383692102920 |  1506018018 | UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalan
         1 |  1171103359827119145 |   300482084 | INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, d
         1 | -7810315603562552972 |             | END;
    (4 rows)

    You can see the session count of each query and plan_id assigned to the queries. This information is helpful to find the query plans for currently running queries.

  8. Use the aurora_stat_plans function for the same plan_id to check the explain plan:
    pg155db=> select calls, query, planid, plan_captured_time, explain_plan, total_exec_time
    ,mean_exec_time from aurora_stat_plans(true) where planid=1506018018;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    calls              | 13179
    query              | UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + $1 WHERE bid = $2
    planid             | 1506018018
    plan_captured_time | 2024-01-30 18:12:02.760864+00
    explain_plan       | Update on pgbench_branches  (cost=0.00..4.13 rows=0 width=0) (actual time=0.068..0.068 rows=0 loops=1)         +
                       |   Buffers: shared hit=7                                                                                        +
                       |   ->  Seq Scan on pgbench_branches  (cost=0.00..4.13 rows=1 width=10) (actual time=0.008..0.011 rows=1 loops=1)+
                       |         Filter: (bid = 10)                                                                                     +
                       |         Rows Removed by Filter: 9                                                                              +
                       |         Buffers: shared hit=4
    total_exec_time    | 3828216.9385649827
    min_exec_time      | 0.040024000000000004
    max_exec_time      | 7476.700546
    mean_exec_time     | 290.4785597211489
    Time: 38.443 ms

    It will show the query plan with the number of times the query was run, total runtime of the query for all runs, and minimum and maximum runtime of the query.

Use case 1: Integration with QPM auto capture

In most scenarios, the Query Plan Management (QPM) feature is set up for automatic plan capture, which captures plans for all statements run more than one time. However, it’s also possible to manually specify a particular set of statements for plan capture. This requires setting capture_plan_baselines to off in the cluster parameter group, and setting it to manual in the session where the plans will be manually captured in. If QPM identifies a different plan due to changes, this plan must be approved for use. After approval, the new plan is automatically incorporated into aurora_stat_plans. To test this use case, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the custom DB cluster parameter group and set the rds.enable_plan_management parameter to 1.
  2. Create the apg_plan_mgmt extension for your DB instance. Refer to Turning on Aurora PostgreSQL query plan management for more information.
    pg155db=> CREATE EXTENSION apg_plan_mgmt;
    pg155db=> select extname,extversion from pg_extension where extname='apg_plan_mgmt';
        extname    | extversion
     apg_plan_mgmt | 2.6
    (1 row)
  3. Create a simple table and insert some data:
    pg155db=> create table test_table ( id int );
    pg155db=> insert into test_table select n from generate_series(1, 100000) as n;
    INSERT 0 100000
  4. Check the query plan and verify that it goes to Seq Scan:
    pg155db=> explain verbose select * from test_table where id = 1;
                              QUERY PLAN
     Seq Scan on public.test_table  (cost=0.00..1693.00 rows=1 width=4)
       Output: id
       Filter: ( = 1)
     Query Identifier: 334499705516714165
    (4 rows)
  5. Verify the apg_plan_mgmt.dba_plans view to check for any approved plans:
    pg155db=> select sql_hash, plan_hash, status, plan_outline from apg_plan_mgmt.dba_plans;
     sql_hash | plan_hash | status | plan_outline
    (0 rows)
  6. Set the following parameters to capture and use the plans:
    pg155db=> set apg_plan_mgmt.capture_plan_baselines = ON;
    pg155db=> set apg_plan_mgmt.use_plan_baselines = ON;
  7. Run the query and verify the plan is captured:
    pg155db=> select * from test_table where id = 1;
    (1 row)
    pg155db=> select sql_hash, queryid, plan_hash, status, plan_outline from apg_plan_mgmt.dba_plans;
      sql_hash  |      queryid       | plan_hash |  status  |    plan_outline
     1511466288 | 334499705516714165 | 443796055 | Approved | {                  +
                |                    |           |          |   "Fmt": "03.00",  +
                |                    |           |          |   "Outl": {        +
                |                    |           |          |     "Op": "SScan", +
                |                    |           |          |     "QB": 1,       +
                |                    |           |          |     "S": "public", +
                |                    |           |          |     "Plel": "F",   +
                |                    |           |          |     "Tbl": "test_table",+
                |                    |           |          |     "Rid": 1       +
                |                    |           |          |   }                +
                |                    |           |          | }
    (1 row)
  8. Check aurora_stat_plans if the plan is picked up:
    pg155db=> select queryid, planid, calls, explain_plan from aurora_stat_plans(true) where queryid = 334499705516714165;
          queryid       |  planid   | calls |                                           explain_plan
     334499705516714165 | 443796055 |     1 | Seq Scan on test_table  (cost=0.00..1693.00 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.010..6.925 rows=1 loops=1)+
                        |           |       |   Filter: (id = 1)                                                                              +
                        |           |       |   Rows Removed by Filter: 99999                                                                 +
                        |           |       |   Buffers: shared hit=443
    (1 row)
  9. Create an index to speed up the query:
    pg155db=> create index test_table_idx1 on test_table(id);
  10. Run the query again and verify if the new plan is captured and in Unapproved state:
    pg155db=> select * from test_table where id = 1;
    (1 row)
    pg155db=> select sql_hash, queryid, plan_hash, status, plan_outline from apg_plan_mgmt.dba_plans where queryid = 334499705516714165;
      sql_hash  |      queryid       | plan_hash  |   status   |       plan_outline
     1511466288 | 334499705516714165 |  443796055 | Approved   | {                       +
                |                    |            |            |   "Fmt": "03.00",       +
                |                    |            |            |   "Outl": {             +
                |                    |            |            |     "Op": "SScan",      +
                |                    |            |            |     "QB": 1,            +
                |                    |            |            |     "S": "public",      +
                |                    |            |            |     "Plel": "F",        +
                |                    |            |            |     "Tbl": "test_table",     +
                |                    |            |            |     "Rid": 1            +
                |                    |            |            |   }                     +
                |                    |            |            | }
     1511466288 | 334499705516714165 | 1850754382 | Unapproved | {                       +
                |                    |            |            |   "Fmt": "03.00",       +
                |                    |            |            |   "Outl": {             +
                |                    |            |            |     "Op": "IOScan",     +
                |                    |            |            |     "QB": 1,            +
                |                    |            |            |     "S": "public",      +
                |                    |            |            |     "Plel": "F",        +
                |                    |            |            |     "Idx": "test_table_idx1",+
                |                    |            |            |     "Tbl": "test_table",     +
                |                    |            |            |     "Rid": 1            +
                |                    |            |            |   }                     +
                |                    |            |            | }
    (2 rows)
  11. Check that aurora_stat_plans is still using the Approved plan:
    pg155db=> select queryid, planid, calls, explain_plan from aurora_stat_plans(true) where queryid = 334499705516714165;
          queryid       |  planid   | calls |                                           explain_plan
     334499705516714165 | 443796055 |     2 | Seq Scan on test_table  (cost=0.00..1693.00 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.010..6.925 rows=1 loops=1)+
                        |           |       |   Filter: (id = 1)                                                                              +
                        |           |       |   Rows Removed by Filter: 99999                                                                 +
                        |           |       |   Buffers: shared hit=443
    (1 row)
  12. Approve the new plan and reject the old plan:
    pg155db=> select apg_plan_mgmt.set_plan_status(1511466288, 1850754382, 'Approved';
    (1 row)
    pg155db=> SELECT apg_plan_mgmt.set_plan_status (1511466288, 443796055, 'Rejected');
    (1 row)
    pg155db=> select * from test_table where id = 1;
    (1 row)
    pg155db=> select sql_hash, queryid, plan_hash, status, plan_outline from apg_plan_mgmt.dba_plans where queryid = 334499705516714165;
      sql_hash  |      queryid       | plan_hash  |  status  |       plan_outline
     1511466288 | 334499705516714165 |  443796055 | Rejected | {                       +
                |                    |            |          |   "Fmt": "03.00",       +
                |                    |            |          |   "Outl": {             +
                |                    |            |          |     "Op": "SScan",      +
                |                    |            |          |     "QB": 1,            +
                |                    |            |          |     "S": "public",      +
                |                    |            |          |     "Plel": "F",        +
                |                    |            |          |     "Tbl": "test_table",     +
                |                    |            |          |     "Rid": 1            +
                |                    |            |          |   }                     +
                |                    |            |          | }
     1511466288 | 334499705516714165 | 1850754382 | Approved | {                       +
                |                    |            |          |   "Fmt": "03.00",       +
                |                    |            |          |   "Outl": {             +
                |                    |            |          |     "Op": "IOScan",     +
                |                    |            |          |     "QB": 1,            +
                |                    |            |          |     "S": "public",      +
                |                    |            |          |     "Plel": "F",        +
                |                    |            |          |     "Idx": "test_table_idx1",+
                |                    |            |          |     "Tbl": "test_table",     +
                |                    |            |          |     "Rid": 1            +
                |                    |            |          |   }                     +
                |                    |            |          | }
    (2 rows)
  13. Check if aurora_stat_plans picked up the new approved plan:
    pg155db=> select queryid, planid, calls, explain_plan from aurora_stat_plans(true) where queryid = 334499705516714165 and planid=1850754382;
          queryid       |   planid   | calls |                                                     explain_plan
     334499705516714165 | 1850754382 |     1 | Index Only Scan using test_table_idx1 on test_table  (cost=0.29..4.31 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.019..0.020 rows=1 loops=1)+
                        |            |       |   Index Cond: (id = 1)                                                                                               +
                        |            |       |   Heap Fetches: 0                                                                                                    +
                        |            |       |   Buffers: shared hit=3
    (2 rows)

Use case 2: Integration with QPM manual capture

Sometimes, the query optimizer doesn’t generate the best query plan. Although it’s possible to use query hints in your application code to work around this, it’s often discouraged due to maintenance issues. Instead, you can use the pg_hint_plan extension in PostgreSQL can be used. This saves directives like “scan method,” “join method,” and “join order” in the QPM, allowing the optimizer to enforce the desired plan without hints in the application code.

In this section, we demonstrate how to use the aurora_stat_activity and aurora_stat_plans views effectively. We explore how to identify the plans of current queries and cross-reference them with the QPM to find potentially optimized plans.

  1. Create the following tables and insert data:
    CREATE TABLE join_tab1 (
        id int,
        name varchar
    INSERT INTO join_tab1
        VALUES (generate_series(1, 10), 'test' || generate_series(1, 10));
    CREATE TABLE join_tab2 (
        id int,
        name varchar
    INSERT INTO join_tab2
        VALUES (generate_series(1, 100000), 'test' || generate_series(1, 100000));
  2. Create the pgbench_join_simple_query.sql file using the following command:
            join_tab1 b 
            join_tab2 a
        ORDER BY
  3. Run the following pgbench command:
    pgbench -h --time=120 --client=16 --jobs=4 pgbench_join_simple_query.sql pg155db > results_apg_plans.out
  4. Check the aurora_stat_plans and aurora_stat_activity views for query runs and plans:
    pg155db=> select count(*), query_id, plan_id, query
                     from aurora_stat_activity() where state = 
                     and pid <> pg_backend_pid()
                     group by query_id, plan_id, query
                     order by 1 desc;
     count |      query_id       |  plan_id   |        query
         2 | 1931676889986960790 | 1066209958 | SELECT * FROM       +
           |                     |            |         join_tab1 b +
           |                     |            |         JOIN        +
           |                     |            |         join_tab2 a +
           |                     |            |         ON
           |                     |            |     ORDER BY        +
           |                     |            |;
    (1 row)
    select queryid, calls, query , planid, plan_captured_time, substr(explain_plan,1,350) as explain_plan, total_exec_time
                  ,mean_exec_time from aurora_stat_plans(true) where
    -[ RECORD 1 ]------+-------------------------------------------------------
    queryid            | 1931676889986960790
    calls              | 13832
    query              | SELECT
                                join_tab1 b
                                JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
                            ORDER BY
    planid             | 1066209958
    plan_captured_time | 2024-02-08 23:31:13.190271+00
    explain_plan       | Sort  (cost=2896.63..2899.81 rows=1270 width=49) (actual time=56.697..56.699 rows=10 loops=1)                   
                       |   Sort Key:                                                                                                
                       |   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 25kB                                                                          
                       |   Buffers: shared hit=545                                                                                       
                       |   ->  Hash Join  (cost=2791.00..2831.16 rows=1270 width=49) (actual time=56.664..56.672 rows=10 loops=1)        
                       |         Hash Cond: ( =                                                                                            
                       |         Buffers: shared hit=542                                                                                                                                                            +
    total_exec_time    | 1070447.3642510038
    min_exec_time      | 25.936728
    max_exec_time      | 225.35296599999998
    mean_exec_time     | 77.3891963744216
  5. Check the approved plan in dba_plans for this query; it should match with aurora_stat_plans and aurora_stat_activity:
    SELECT sql_hash,
                estimated_total_cost "cost",
         FROM   apg_plan_mgmt.dba_plans
         WHERE queryid=1931676889986960790;
      sql_hash  | plan_hash  |  status  | enabled |       cost       |                sql_text
     1230395705 | 1066209958 | Approved | t       | 2899.80989116354 | SELECT                               
                |            |          |         |                  |        *                              
                |            |          |         |                  |    FROM                               
                |            |          |         |                  |        join_tab1 b 
                |            |          |         |                  |        JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
                |            |          |         |                  |    ORDER BY                           +
                |            |          |         |                  |;
    (1 row)
  6. Check the query plan and use pg_hint_plan to use hints to generate a better plan:
    pg155db=> EXPLAIN (hashes true)
           join_tab1 b
           JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
       ORDER BY
                                          QUERY PLAN
     Sort  (cost=2896.63..2899.81 rows=1270 width=49)
       Sort Key:
       ->  Hash Join  (cost=2791.00..2831.16 rows=1270 width=49)
             Hash Cond: ( =
             ->  Seq Scan on join_tab1 b  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)
             ->  Hash  (cost=1541.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=13)
                   ->  Seq Scan on join_tab2 a  (cost=0.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=13)
     SQL Hash: 1230395705, Plan Hash: 1066209958
    (8 rows)
  7. Enable the pg_hint_plan.enable_hint parameter using the following query and check the plan using the hints:
    pg155db=> SET pg_hint_plan.enable_hint = true;
    pg155db=> show pg_hint_plan.enable_hint;
    (1 row)
  8. Use EXPLAIN for the query with the hints you want to use. In the following example, use the NestLoop (a, b) hint, which is a directive for the optimizer to use a nested loop to join table a and table b:
    pg155db=> /*+ NestLoop(a b) */  EXPLAIN (hashes true)
           join_tab1 b
           JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
       ORDER BY
                                          QUERY PLAN
     Sort  (cost=2896.63..2899.81 rows=1270 width=49)
       Sort Key:
       ->  Hash Join  (cost=2791.00..2831.16 rows=1270 width=49)
             Hash Cond: ( =
             ->  Seq Scan on join_tab1 b  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)
             ->  Hash  (cost=1541.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=13)
                   ->  Seq Scan on join_tab2 a  (cost=0.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=13)
     Note: An Approved plan was used instead of the minimum cost plan.
     SQL Hash: 1230395705, Plan Hash: 1066209958, Minimum Cost Plan Hash: 1283399430
    (9 rows)

    The output shows that there is another plan that is cost-effective.

  9. Verify that plan 1283399430 was captured and note the status of the plan:
    pg155db=> SELECT sql_hash,
         FROM   apg_plan_mgmt.dba_plans
          Where plan_hash=1066209958 and sql_hash=1230395705;
      sql_hash  | plan_hash  |   status   | enabled |       cost       |                sql_text
     1230395705 | 1066209958 | Approved   | t       | 2899.80989116354 | SELECT                                +
                |            |            |         |                  |        *                              
                |            |            |         |                  |    FROM                               
                |            |            |         |                  |        join_tab1 b                    
                |            |            |         |                  |        JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
                |            |            |         |                  |    ORDER BY                          
                |            |            |         |                  |;
     1230395705 | 1283399430 | Unapproved | t       | 10453.0426283819 | SELECT                                +
                |            |            |         |                  |        *                              
                |            |            |         |                  |    FROM                               
                |            |            |         |                  |        join_tab1 b                    
                |            |            |         |                  |        JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
                |            |            |         |                  |    ORDER BY                           
                |            |            |         |                  |;
    (2 rows)
  10. Approve the new plan and reject the old plan:
    pg155db=> SELECT apg_plan_mgmt.set_plan_status (1230395705, 1283399430, 'Approved');
    (1 row)
    pg155db=> SELECT apg_plan_mgmt.set_plan_status (1230395705, 1066209958, 'Rejected');
    (1 row)
    pg155db=> SELECT sql_hash,
            FROM   apg_plan_mgmt.dba_plans
             Where queryid=1931676889986960790;
      sql_hash  | plan_hash  |  status  | enabled |                sql_text
     1230395705 | 1283399430 | Approved | t       | SELECT                                +
                |            |          |         |        *                              +
                |            |          |         |    FROM                               +
                |            |          |         |        join_tab1 b                    +
                |            |          |         |        JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
                |            |          |         |    ORDER BY                           +
                |            |          |         |;
     1230395705 | 1066209958 | Rejected | t       | SELECT                                +
                |            |          |         |        *                              +
                |            |          |         |    FROM                               +
                |            |          |         |        join_tab1 b                    +
                |            |          |         |        JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
                |            |          |         |    ORDER BY                           +
                |            |          |         |;
    (2 rows)
  11. Run the following query and check that aurora_stat_plans picked up the plan:
    pg155db=> SELECT
            join_tab1 b
            JOIN join_tab2 a ON =
        ORDER BY
     id |  name  | id |  name
      1 | test1  |  1 | test1
      2 | test2  |  2 | test2
      3 | test3  |  3 | test3
    [truncating output]
    pg155db => select queryid, planid, calls, explain_plan from aurora_stat_plans(true) where planid=1283399430;
           queryid       |   planid   | calls |                                                         explain_plan
     1931676889986960790 | 1283399430 |     2 | Merge Join  (cost=9933.99..10453.04 rows=1270 width=49) (actual time=37.240..37.250 rows=10 loops=1)                         +
                         |            |       |   Merge Cond: ( =                                                                                                  
                         |            |       |   Buffers: shared hit=543, temp read=343 written=685                                                                        
                         |            |       |   I/O Timings: temp read=0.642 write=2.748                                                                                  
                         |            |       |   ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36) (actual time=0.015..0.018 rows=10 loops=1)                                
                         |            |       |         Sort Key:                                                                                                      
                         |            |       |         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 25kB                                                                                
                         |            |       |         Buffers: shared hit=1                                                                                               
                         |            |       |         ->  Seq Scan on join_tab1 b  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36) (actual time=0.008..0.010 rows=10 loops=1)        +
                         |            |       |               Buffers: shared hit=1                                                                                          
                         |            |       |   ->  Sort  (cost=9845.82..10095.82 rows=100000 width=13) (actual time=37.216..37.218 rows=11 loops=1)                       +
                         |            |       |         Sort Key:                                                                                                       
                         |            |       |         Sort Method: external sort  Disk: 2736kB                                                                             
                         |            |       |         Buffers: shared hit=542, temp read=343 written=685                                                                   +
                         |            |       |         I/O Timings: temp read=0.642 write=2.748                                                                             
                         |            |       |         ->  Seq Scan on join_tab2 a  (cost=0.00..1541.00 rows=100000 width=13) (actual time=0.005..8.676 rows=100000 loops=1)+
                         |            |       |               Buffers: shared hit=541
    (1 row)
  12. Run pgbench again and verify in aurora_stat_plans if the new plan is picked up:
    pg155db=> select queryid, planid, calls from aurora_stat_plans(true) where queryid=1931676889986960790 ;
           queryid       |   planid   | calls
     1931676889986960790 | 1283399430 | 22625
     1931676889986960790 | 1066209958 | 29125
    (2 rows)
    pg155db=> select queryid, planid, calls from aurora_stat_plans(true) where queryid=1931676889986960790 ;
           queryid       |   planid   | calls
     1931676889986960790 | 1283399430 | 23030
     1931676889986960790 | 1066209958 | 29125

You can see the calls count increase for the new plan with ID 1283399430.

Clean up

Complete the following steps after your tests to prevent unnecessary expenses:

  1. Create any database snapshots.
  2. Stop your EC2 instance.
  3. Delete the Aurora cluster.


In this post, we showed you how to monitor query plans in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL with the new query monitoring feature. This feature provides valuable insights and optimizations, promoting improved database performance. It allows users to analyze query plans in real-time, swiftly pinpointing and addressing performance issues. This proactive strategy reduces latency, boosts resource usage, and minimizes downtime, thereby enhancing productivity.

If you have any questions or suggestions, leave a comment.

About the authors

Sameer Malik is a Principal Database Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services.

Baji Shaik is a Sr. Lead Consultant with AWS Professional Services, Global Competency Centre. His background spans a wide depth and breadth of expertise and experience in SQL and NoSQL database technologies. He is a Database Migration Expert and has developed many successful database solutions addressing challenging business requirements for moving databases from on premises to Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL/MySQL. He is an eminent author, having written several books on PostgreSQL. A few of his recent works include “PostgreSQL Configuration,” “Beginning PostgreSQL on the Cloud,” and “PostgreSQL Development Essentials.” Furthermore, he has delivered several conference and workshop sessions.