AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Command Line Interface


Run Codefresh Pipelines on Amazon EKS Using Bottlerocket OS

Bottlerocket OS is designed to be able to run anywhere and has a pre-built variant for Amazon EKS. Learn how to deploy Codefresh Runners on Amazon EKS using Bottlerocket-based nodes to help scale your build environments quickly and benefit from Bottlerocket OS’s hardened security and simplified management. Codefresh is built with speed and scalability in mind so you can run your builds in a fraction of the time and lets you scale concurrent builds to meet these needs.


Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in React Using Auth0 and AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services that can be used, together or on their own, to help frontend web and mobile developers build scalable full stack applications. With Amplify, you can configure app backends and connect your app in minutes, deploy static web apps in a few clicks, and easily manage app content outside the AWS Management Console. Learn how to add multi-factor authentication to a React Single-Page Application (SPA) using Auth0 and AWS Amplify.

Top Recommendations for IAM from Our AWS Heroes – Part 2: The Visual Editor and Federation

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)‘s 10th anniversary continues with Part 2 of our blog series. Writing an IAM policy can be tricky, but don’t feel overwhelmed. Learn how the IAM visual editor helps you create policies by providing helpful documentation and the correct syntax. You’ll also learn why you should use federation due to the short-term credentials made possible by IAM roles. More tips like these can be found throughout our 4-part blog series.


Governance in the AWS Cloud: The Right Balance Between Agility and Safety

Cloud infrastructure provides more agility than traditional IT, meaning organizations must think differently about how they design, build, and manage applications. Cloud resources need a stronger integration between IT and organizational governance, as builders need to be able to operate in a cloud environment that’s agile and safe. Hear from APN Ambassador Paolo Latella, who introduces a decentralized model of cloud governance that can help you strike the right balance between agility and safety.

Helping a Pharmaceutical Company Drive Business Insights Using ZS Accelerators on Amazon Redshift

With increasing data variety and volumes, it’s become increasingly necessary to ensure all of an organization’s workloads run in the most efficient manner to reduce overall turn-around time and TCO. Get an overview of the data and analytics platform ZS built to streamline and improve contracting analytics for a top life sciences company. Then, dive deep into the data architecture and learn how ZS evolved its data technology stack to get maximum performance.

Bursting Your On-Premises Data Lake Analytics and AI Workloads on AWS

Developing and maintaining an on-premises data lake is a complex undertaking. To maximize the value of data and use it as the basis for critical decisions, the data platform must be flexible and cost-effective. Learn how to build a hybrid data lake with Alluxio to leverage analytics and AI on AWS alongside a multi-petabyte on-premises data lake. Alluxio’s solution is called “zero-copy” hybrid cloud, indicating a cloud migration approach without first copying data to Amazon S3.


How to Improve Project Security by Automating and Managing AWS Multi-Account Access

Many enterprise customers improve project security by segregating individual projects, or project environments like DEV or PROD, in separate AWS accounts. Mapping each project or project environment to a unique account provides a clear and easy way to maintain security boundaries and built-in cost accounting. Learn about EGlobalTech’s project-per-account model for accounts that enables users to seamlessly move between their AWS accounts and roles.


Automated Device Provisioning to AWS IoT Core Using 1NCE Global SIM

AWS IoT Core offers a managed cloud services to ingest trillions of messages from billions of devices, and easily and securely interact with other AWS cloud services and other devices. Learn how you can use the 1NCE IoT Connectivity Suite to take the complexity out of IoT projects and overcome the challenges of cellular IoT adoption. 1NCE is an AWS Advanced Technology Partner that offers managed connectivity services for low bandwidth IoT applications.


Connecting Applications Securely to a MongoDB Atlas Data Plane with AWS PrivateLink

Customers want to guarantee private connectivity to MongoDB Atlas running on AWS. All dedicated clusters on MongoDB Atlas are deployed in their own VPC, so customers usually connect to a cluster via VPC peering or public IP access-listing. AWS PrivateLink allows you to securely access MongoDB Atlas clusters from your own VPC. In this post, follow step-by-step instructions to configure AWS PrivateLink for MongoDB Atlas, ensuring private connectivity to your data.


How HeleCloud Used AWS Secrets Manager to Automate Credentials Rotation of MS SQL on Amazon EC2

HeleCloud combines AWS Secrets Manager and the AWS Systems Manager Run Command into a solution that automatically rotates secrets for databases running on Amazon EC2. In addition to automatically rotating your secrets, it allows you to access them in applications running on Amazon EKS. Learn about the HeleCloud solution and walk through the code snippets and steps required to set up automatic credentials rotation of MS SQL Server running on Amazon EC2.