AWS News Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

New – AWS Step Functions – Build Distributed Applications Using Visual Workflows

We want to make it even easier for you to build complex, distributed applications by connecting multiple web and microservices. Whether you are implementing a complex business process or setting up a processing pipeline for photo uploads, we want you to focus on the code instead of on the coordination. We want you to be […]

Lambda@Edge – Preview

Just last week, a comment that I made on Hacker News resulted in an interesting email from an AWS customer! He told me that he runs a single page app that is hosted on S3 (read about this in Host Your Static Website on Amazon S3) and served up at low latency through Amazon CloudFront. […]

CloudTrail Update – Capture and Process Amazon S3 Object-Level API Activity

I would like to show you how several different AWS services can be used together to address a challenge faced by many of our customers. Along the way I will introduce you to a new AWS CloudTrail feature that launches today and show you how you can use it in conjunction with CloudWatch Events. The […]

New – CloudWatch Events for EBS Snapshots

Cloud computing can improve upon traditional IT operations by giving you the power to automate complex high-level operations that were formerly kept in a runbook or passed along as tribal knowledge. Far too many of these operations involve backup and recovery operations, especially in smaller and less mature organizations. Many AWS customers make great use […]

Genome Engineering Applications: Early Adopters of the Cloud

Our friends at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia sent along the guest post below to tell us about how AWS powers an important new genome editing technique. — Jeff   Recent developments in molecular engineering technology now enables the accurate editing of genomes. The new technology, called CRISPR-Cas9, can be […]