
Tag: docker

How HPE Aruba Networking modernized on Amazon EKS

This post was co-authored by Vignesh Senapathy, Principal DevOps Engineer, HPE. About Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect Cloud Orchestrator is a cloud-native Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) orchestrator within HPE Aruba Networking’s portfolio. Serving as a centralized SD-WAN controller, it oversees both physical and virtual SD-WAN gateways throughout the enterprise […]

Building better container images

Introduction Many applications built today or modernized from monoliths are done so using microservice architectures. The microservice architecture makes applications easier to scale and faster to develop, which enables innovation and accelerating time-to-market for new features. In addition, microservices also provide lifecycle autonomy enabling applications to have independent build and deploy processes, which provides technological […]

All you need to know about moving to containerd on Amazon EKS

Introduction The dockershim, an application programming interface (API) shim between the kubelet and the Docker Engine, deprecated from Kubernetes 1.24 in favor of supporting Container Runtime Interface (CRI) compatible runtimes. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) also ended support of the dockershim starting with the Kubernetes version 1.24 release. The official EKS Amazon Machine Images(AMI) […]

AWS Lambda for the containers developer

Introduction When building an application on AWS, one of the common decision points customers encounter is building on AWS Lambda versus building on a containers product like Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). To make this decision, there are many factors to consider such as cost, scaling properties, […]

screenshot of using search bar on top of Amazon ECR Public gallery page

Docker Official Images now available on Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public

Developers building container-based applications can now discover and download Docker Official Images directly from Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Public. This new capability gives AWS customers a simple and highly available way to pull Docker Official Images, while taking advantage of the generous AWS Free Tier. Customers pulling images from Amazon ECR Public to […]

components of the application deployed by Amazon EKS on AWS Outpost

Deploying Containerized Application on AWS Outposts with Amazon EKS

AWS Outposts delivers AWS-designed infrastructure, services, APIs and tool to customer on-premises locations. Primary use-cases are applications that require low latency, local data processing or need to meet data residency requirements. Outpost connects back to a home Region the customer selects through a connection called the Service Link. It is operated, monitored, and managed by […]

Example app manifest for copilot\joker\manifest.yml

Streamline Windows Container Deployment on Amazon ECS with AWS Copilot and AWS Fargate

Since AWS Copilot CLI launched in 2020, developers have been using the tool to build, manage, and operate Linux containers successfully on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and AWS Fargate. By leaving the infrastructure-knitting and resource-wrangling to AWS Copilot, builders can spend more time focused on their business logic. With yesterday’s launch of Amazon […]

How to build your containers for ARM and save with Graviton and Spot instances on Amazon ECS

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that enables you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. For the underlying compute capacity of an Amazon ECS cluster, customers can choose between different types and sizes of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. For many years, machines based on […]

Migrating from Docker Swarm to Amazon ECS with Docker Compose

Introduction By leveraging Docker Compose for Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS), applications defined in a Compose file can be deployed on to Amazon ECS. Compose is an open specification, with one of its goals to be infrastructure or cloud service agnostic, allowing developers to define an application once for development and then use that […]

Rolling EC2 AMI updates with capacity providers in Amazon ECS

When deploying containers to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), customers have choices as to what level of management they want or need to have over the cluster compute. First there is AWS Fargate, which is a serverless compute engine that removes the need for customers to provision and manage servers. This approach simplifies the […]