The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Impacting Food Waste & Foodborne Illness with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN Cold-Chain Sensors

Introduction Impacting Food Waste & Food-borne Illness with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN Cold-Chain Sensors Innovative ideas and technologies allow us to improve the efficiency and safety of the food industry. In that sense, ConnectedFresh’s IoT solutions provide the ability to continuously monitor food temperatures throughout production, processing, transportation, and retailing. This blog will highlight […]

Importing AWS IoT Device Defender audit and detect findings into Security Hub

Introduction In this post, you’ll learn how the integration of IoT security findings into AWS Security Hub works, and you can download AWS CloudFormation templates to implement the solution. After you deploy the solution, every AWS IoT Device Defender audit and detect finding will be recorded as a Security Hub finding. The findings within Security […]

Designing a Single Pane of Glass for Securing your Globally Deployed IoT-Workload

Introduction Companies are investing in large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) projects and deploying global scale IoT platform such as Deutsche Bahn or Carrier. Enterprises are looking for a solution that offers a multi-tenant Single Pane of Glass Device Lifecycle Management (DLM) which caters to both IT and OT operations. In this blog we will focus […]

Integrating AWS IoT SiteWise and Fleet Hub with IAM Identity Center and Okta

Introduction Many organizations are using an external identity provider to manage user identities. With an identity provider (IdP), you can manage your user identities outside of AWS and give these external user identities permissions to use AWS resources in your AWS accounts. External identity providers (IdP), such as Okta Universal Directory, can integrate with AWS […]

Detect Cryptocurrency Mining Threats on Edge Devices using AWS IoT

Introduction Machine learning (ML) at the edge requires powerful edge requires powerful edge devices with a unique set of requirements. The availability, safety, and security requirements for the edge differ from cloud since they are located at the customer site, outside the data center, and interface directly with operational technology (OT) and the internet. Since […]

Utilizing AWS Services to Quickly Build Solutions for Robotics Use Cases

Introduction Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are widely used in many industries like logistics and manufacturing. However, there are various challenges in developing and operating autonomous robots. To develop autonomous robots, a wide range of technologies are required, and the process is complex and time-consuming. Integration with the cloud is also required to develop and operate the robots […]

Developing a Remote Job Monitoring Application at the edge using AWS IoT Greengrass (part 1)

Introduction Many modern industrial operations require extensive monitoring and real-time decision making for efficiency and safety reasons. To reduce the unexpected network interruption and delay in IoT data processing, edge computing becomes a desirable option for real-time IoT data processing and monitoring. Edge computing is a system of micro computing/storage devices that are installed at […]

Developing a Remote Job Monitoring Application at the edge using AWS IoT Greengrass (part 2)

Introduction In this second-series blog post, we will continue to showcase a user interface (UI) application at the edge with AWS IoT Greengrass V2, a jointly developed solution by AWS Partner, TensorIoT, and AWS Professional Services. This UI application at the edge contains multiple custom AWS IoT Greengrass V2 components to achieve flexible IoT data […]

Architecture diagram

Detect water leaks in near real time using AWS IoT

Introduction Water is one of the most precious resources needed for the sustenance of life. However, only 2% of the global water supply is suitable for human consumption. The United States Environmental Protection Association (EPA) estimates that 1.7 trillion gallons, roughly 30 percent of all treated water, is wasted every year in the United States. […]