The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Compliance

Ten security golden rules for connected mobility solutions

Introduction Connected mobility solutions are driving changes in the automotive industry. With remote commands, sensors, cameras, artificial intelligence, and 5G mobile networks, vehicles have become increasingly smart and connected. While connected mobility solutions deliver significant customer value, they also introduce new risks to security, safety, and privacy that must be properly managed. Automakers need to […]

Guidance on using ISA/IEC 62443 for IIoT projects

Introduction With the increasing proliferation of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems and cloud services for innovation and digital transformation, government agencies and industrial customers are faced with protecting an expanding attack surface. The ISA/IEC 62443 series of standards were written before IIoT technologies were common but provide a strong basis for securing these environments. […]

Importing AWS IoT Device Defender audit and detect findings into Security Hub

Introduction In this post, you’ll learn how the integration of IoT security findings into AWS Security Hub works, and you can download AWS CloudFormation templates to implement the solution. After you deploy the solution, every AWS IoT Device Defender audit and detect finding will be recorded as a Security Hub finding. The findings within Security […]