The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: AWS Private Certificate Authority

AWS IoT Core now supports private certificate authorities with fleet provisioning

Introduction Today, AWS IoT Core announces the general availability of self-managed client certificate signing for AWS IoT Core fleet provisioning. The new self-managed certificate signing capability allows you to integrate with an external certificate authority (CA), your own public key infrastructure (PKI), or popular CA services such as AWS Private CA, to sign certificate signing […]

Ten security golden rules for connected mobility solutions

Introduction Connected mobility solutions are driving changes in the automotive industry. With remote commands, sensors, cameras, artificial intelligence, and 5G mobile networks, vehicles have become increasingly smart and connected. While connected mobility solutions deliver significant customer value, they also introduce new risks to security, safety, and privacy that must be properly managed. Automakers need to […]

Securing modern Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT

AWS is excited to announce new and updated architectural guidance and design patterns for securing modern Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT. You can find updated guidance for modernization in the complementary blog, Building and Modernizing Connected Vehicle Platforms with AWS IoT. Connected Vehicle platforms provide connectivity to cloud resources, enabling the automotive industry and […]

How to manage AWS IoT Greengrass core device certificates

Introduction We’re very pleased to introduce the Certificate Rotator component for AWS IoT Greengrass, a new component in the Greengrass Software Catalog. AWS IoT Greengrass brings the AWS cloud closer to edge devices to support applications that demand local data processing and low latency. The growing number of edge devices in consumer, enterprise, and industrial […]