AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Integration & Automation

Automate CloudWatch Dashboard creation for your AWS Elemental Mediapackage and AWS Elemental Medialive

Introduction Monitoring the health and performance of your media services is critical to ensuring a seamless viewing experience for your customers. Amazon CloudWatch provides powerful monitoring capabilities for Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. Setting up comprehensive dashboards can be a time-consuming process, especially for organizations managing large number of resources across multiple regions. The Automatic CloudWatch […]

Accelerate Modernization outcomes with Automation

Introduction As organizations move towards modernizing their workloads in the cloud, there are key capabilities that need to be in place to enable the success of the modernization journey. The capabilities include organization structure, modernization strategy, automation, team readiness, and stakeholder sponsorship. Out of these, automation plays an outsized role in realizing the benefits of […]

Using Puppet to automate AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery for Amazon EC2 instances at scale

Customers improve their disaster recovery posture with automation. Automation reduces the operational overhead of managing source servers and automatically implementing your disaster recovery strategy. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery replicates your servers, such as Amazon EC2 instances. In the case of a disaster, you can use AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery to recover your application servers. It […]

Automate migrated servers to automatically join an Active Directory domain using AWS Application Migration service and AWS Systems Manager

AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) simplifies and expedites your migration to AWS by automatically converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. The post-launch actions feature in MGN allow you to control and automate actions performed after your servers have been launched in AWS. You can use predefined […]

Downgrade SQL Server Enterprise edition using AWS Systems Manager Document to reduce cost

Downgrade SQL Server Enterprise edition using AWS Systems Manager Document to reduce cost

In this post, we will show how to downgrade SQL Server from Enterprise edition to Standard edition on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2) instances to help you reduce cost. If you are not using any of the features of Enterprise edition, you can downgrade to Standard edition. Here is the flowchart that can help you identify […]

Resizing volumes and instances using ServiceNow and AWS

The AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow enables ServiceNow end users to provision, manage, and operate AWS resources natively through ServiceNow. This lets our customers connect a technical operation with a business workflow, perhaps requiring approvals from management or other teams. The key in all of this is empowering and enabling end-users, thereby removing manual […]

DevOps automation for backup compliance in AWS using AWS Backup Audit Manager

Backup compliance in AWS includes defining and enforcing backup policies to encrypt your backups, protect them from manual deletion, prevent changes to your backup lifecycle settings, and audit and report on backup activity from a centralized console. AWS Backup Audit Manager, a feature within the AWS Backup service, provides built-in compliance controls for these areas. […]

Share reusable infrastructure as code by using AWS CloudFormation modules and StackSets

Share reusable infrastructure as code by using AWS CloudFormation modules and StackSets

It is common for customers to have multiple teams creating infrastructure as code (IaC) templates (for example, by using AWS CloudFormation). Because there is duplication of the common resources used in these templates, you might understandably feel like you’re reinventing the wheel. By sharing these common definitions as CloudFormation modules, you can provide access to […]

¬Field Notes: Cross-account deployments in an AWS Control Tower environment

Field Notes: Cross-account deployments in an AWS Control Tower environment

AWS Control Tower helps customers put an orchestration layer on top of a multi-account strategy. When customers build applications, they often use separate accounts as part of a deployment pipeline so that they can validate changes before production. This best practice helps reduce blast radius should there be any issues with newer iterations. With AWS […]

Integrate across the Three Lines Model (Part 1): Build a custom automation of AWS Audit Manager with AWS Security Hub

The Three Lines Model developed by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) helps organizations identify structures and processes to facilitate strong governance and risk management. In that model, the first-line function manages risk, the second-line function oversees risk and the third-line function provides objective and independent assurance of risk management. According to a Deloitte analysis […]